Well we finally did it. It took a lot of what ifs. It took a lot of thinking and convincing. But we finally took the plunge and did it…..
I realize that when life gets a little more stressful than I can handle I have to eliminate something from my life. I start with the little things, but then it comes down to doing something big and drastic. This time I pulled in 2 other victims and we did it together.
Yep, Jaime, Niah and I all cut our hair, SHORT. We donated it to Locks of Love. So all is not lost.
I found out that if you are donating to Locks of Love salons might do the haircut for free. Super Cuts is one of those salons and so we went and made a day of it.
I dunno….It’s easier to take care of and uses a whole lot less shampoo and conditioner….but I sure do miss my hair. But I find comfort in knowing that some sick child is blessed because of my hair.
Jaime is a little remorseful too but she has really grown to love her short hair.
Niah LOVES her hair and the less time it takes to wash and brush. She is ecstatic about it and hasn’t looked back!
Little known fact: this is the 4th time I’ve cut my hair in 12 years. Each time I cut off about 12 inches. Which means that in the last 12 years I’ve cut off 48 inches of hair. Almost as tall as me….
You guys are so awesome. All that beautiful hair is going to a great cause. I can’t wait to catch up on your blog. :)