After the Jelly Belly Factory on Tuesday July 6, we did not want to go home. It was still early enough that if we went home we would feel compelled to clean or be productive in some way, so we opted to go somewhere else. There was a brochure at the entrance to the J.B. factory that said Travis AFB was close and there was a free history museum. So we called them and decided to head over.
Now, getting onto base was not going to be easy. You had to have a current registration and current insurance. Both of which we had except I couldn’t find our current insurance card. That almost stopped us from trying but we did it anyway. We had to go in and take a number and then wait to be called. Then they do a background check on you and then you have to be escorted onto base and watched while you are there and then escorted back off base.
Fortunately for us, we passed the background check and they weren’t worried about the non current insurance card. So we waited for our escort and off to the museum we went.
It was such an eye opening experience to be on a military base. I didn’t realize how self contained a base was. It was a city in and of itself. People had told me stories about living on base but I guess until I saw it for myself I didn’t understand what they were talking about.
Anyway, the museum was AMAZING. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun filled day. We were there a little over an hour. We could have spent 3 hours there easy!
[The kids had such a good time in these cock pits. They must have spent the first 20 minutes here. I’m sure they would have stayed longer but we moved them on.]
[Doesn’t that look appetizing??]
[This thing was pretty cool too. You pushed a button and it would lift the front end up. It was suppose to simulate what it was like to “take off”. It was some sort of space travel ship.]
[Standing in a jet engine. That was super cool! The enormity of it was so fascinating.]
Outside the museum they had quite a few of these gargantuan airplanes. The size of these planes was almost scary. I didn’t realize how big they were. We could walk right under them and have plenty of head space!
It was a very fun, very educational experience. One I highly recommend to all!
Travis AFB is where my sister Christina was when we lived in Fremont. But of course I’ve never been there.