I went overnight fishing again this past weekend. Same spot. Different kids. This time Afton and Alix tagged along for the fun. Bryon Dalrymple came again, and brought his two daughters, Rebecca and Kristen.
We got to the fishing spot first and went on an explore. We found some water caves, observed an ant highway, waded in the water and skipped rocks. Pretty fun, actually. The Dalrymples showed up some time later and we ate hot dogs and roasted marshmallows.
Part of the reason we chose this particular spot is that it is close to the bathroom. Also, Alix insisted that we go to the same spot so she could catch toads. For Aftons sake, it was good we where close to the bathrooms, and for Alix’s sake, it was lucky there were still plenty of toads around.
She caught three. Afton didn’t catch any, but Alix was kind enough to share with her. It was pretty neat watching Afton’s expression the first time she held a toad.
Afton fell asleep first. I was pretty sure she would have a hard time sleeping under the stars. She actually fell asleep very easily and slept longer than anyone. I think the fresh air was good for her.
Next morning we had eggs and sausage for breakfast, cleaned up the fishing gear, waded some more and skipped rocks. Lots of rocks. Bryon Dalrymple puts me to shame, and I’ve been told I’m pretty good at skipping rocks.
At one point, all the girls went over to the porta-potty. We heard a commotion and looked over. The girls were taking turns in the porta-potty while the other girls stood outside and rocked it back and forth. Not sure what the joy in that was, but they were having a good time. At one point, the all crammed into the potty. Not exactly sure why.
Anyway, we made it out clean and uninjured. I have to say, Alix is really in her element when she’s out doors. She just loves it so much. Playing in the water, throwing rocks, dredging grass out of the lake, catching toads. Too much fun. Afton liked the attention,
and the freedom to eat what ever she wanted. Ever wonder how many Oreos Afton can eat? It’s a bunch. But most of all, I think she enjoyed sleeping under the stars.
All in all, a successful trip. Still no fish though.
Next week, Jaime and Milo. And maybe we’ll catch. Who knows?
What is it about boys/men that never understand girls/women and their bathroom trips?? Too funny.