I have a favorite fishing spot I like to go to for over night fishing excursions. I haven’t been in a while, and the kids have been dying for me to take them, so Sami and I finally decided that July was the month.
On Friday, July 2, I took half day off work, loaded the fishing gear, sleeping bags and Milo and Niah and headed off. My friend Bryon Dalrymple and his son Joseph joined us.
It was hot and windy. There where bugs everywhere, our lines were constantly fouled with grass and algae and we didn’t catch a thing. We had so much fun!
We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for dinner, stayed up way too late, and had sausage and eggs for breakfast. We drank way too much soda, had a burping contest, saw a 4 foot long snake and at night, after it cooled down, there were toads everywhere. Milo and Niah caught 2 each. Joseph had so many, he couldn’t keep hold on them.
At one point Joseph and Milo came running over, “Niah kissed a toad!”. I asked Niah if it turned into a prince. She replied rather forlornly, “No”.
Part of the rather large bug population was little white butterflies. At one point I looked over to see Niah sitting in the middle of the weeds surrounded by butterflies. She was jabbering away. I asked her what she was doing. “Oh, just talking to the butterflies”. Too cute for a fishing trip, really.
Milo practiced casting, and got rather good at it. To the point that I don’t have to worry too much about him tending his own pole. We had an extra pole that he put a hook and grape on. I asked why, he said it was to catch squirrels. I did see him later lowering the hook into a squirrel hole. We didn’t have much luck catching squirrels either, but it kept him busy the better part of an hour.
We got home on Saturday about noon tired but happy. We stopped on the way home to buy cherries from a road side fruit stand as a thanks to the wives for letting us have the time to fish. Over all, a success, even without catching.
Next week, Alix and Afton. Should be interesting.
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