Sami's World


Gotta Love Science

on June 26, 2010

I’m sure science is a very interesting subject if you are into that kind of stuff. Unfortunately I’m not and so up till now my children’s science has been pretty dull. But at the beginning of this year a very dear friend of mine, Audrey, let us know that her husband, Cliff, was willing to teach science to a group of us homeschooling families. I was very excited about the prospect of my children getting more out of science than yawning and I would get to chat with some good friends I don’t see very often.

I was so grateful for Cliff and his willingness to give up his time. As their last class they made solar ovens and then the kids came home and baked cookies in them. It was fun. Although the day was really not warm enough, it was still fun to bake and eat the cookies. THANKS CLIFF!!

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