Sami's World


Memorial Weekend Fun #3

on June 11, 2010

What’s Memorial Weekend without a home improvement project?

So, we had already spent the first part of the week cleaning out the new playroom completely. Then we tore out the carpet, painted the walls and Scott was going to lay new flooring. We originally thought this would be the perfect room for my mom since it was close to the bathroom. Well, we got all the way to laying the flooring when we were suppose to go camping, so it was a blessing in disguise that it snowed 8 inches (sorry to all the folks that live in the area!!).

[Gett’n the walls ready for painting. What do you think of the flooring. I almost talked Scott into leaving that flooring….he didn’t buy into it!]

[Alix LOVES painting!]

[We did this when we laid the other flooring. We let all the kids sign their names on whatever is underneath. We figure someday, someone will take up the floor and find this cool. Or maybe not! But we found it cool!]

[Scott was a little tired!]

We declared on Saturday at 10 am that camping was officially over. We cleaned up the “camp site” and dove into chores. Scott laid flooring and the kids did their chores while taking turns helping dad. It was a good day. Hot and full of productivity.

Even though Scott wasn’t completely done with the floor we opted to take Sunday off and just enjoy our home and each other. Actually we spent the afternoon taking naps and just doing some serious relaxing. Then we went to a baptism and came home and went to bed! Such a nice day.

[“What’s down there daddy??”]

[Caulking the baseboards. Almost done!!]


Monday he finished the floor and it was then that we decided my mom would not be most comfortable in that room for a whole list of reasons. So we found ourselves a new project for the coming week….empty the living room dinning room, rip up the flooring Scott laid 2 years ago and find out why it bubbled and fix it.

[We left the flooring in stacks according to row so it would make it easier to put back down….or so we thoughy!]

Much to our chagrin, after we pulled up the floor we realized that the bubbling was not due to the way the floor was laid, but the underflooring was actually bubbling. GREAT! So we called in an expert (not that Scott isn’t an expert or anything, he just had his day job to do too!). Fortunately for us, unfortunate for him, our GREAT friend Bryon was finishing his job on Thursday and was therefore free and could come and fix our flooring problem starting on Friday June 4.

Thursday June 3, we had this bright idea that we would repaint the dinning room/living room area.

[Laurent and Scott hard at work trying to get the painting done]

Boy did that end up being a project and a half. We finished all we could and got to bed by 1am. Then the kids and I finished up on Friday morning before Bryon showed up. It was a miracle that we finished. But we did. And just in time too! Another fortunate for us….Bryon ended up doing more than just fix our flooring problem. He ended up relaying the entire floor. What a saint, seriously! THANKS BRYON!!

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