Sami's World


More Random Stuff

on May 21, 2010

I’m so grateful that I keep a calendar and take pictures. Otherwise I’d totally forget fun things that went on months ago. Wait, maybe it would be better not to remember every detail of every day….

In March we prepared our garden spot. Then in April we continued to prepare our garden spot. Then in May we actually planted our garden spot! This year we decided to expand our garden more but first we had to get rid of 10 tons of pea gravel (not sure really how much of it there was, but seemed like 10 tons!). I put it up on craigslist to see if I’d get any bites. I had a good 20 people contact me and tell me they wanted to come. But only 5 actually came and got gravel. We still have a little bit back there but it would take a lot of work to get the rest of it. So now our garden is about three feet wider than it was last year. Might not seem like a lot but for us it was a big improvement.

[This guy REALLY likes to garden. He is the driving force each year and I am so grateful for that!]

[As long as everyone else is doing it, pulling weeds is cool!]

[Cute little kids. See the pile? It’s gone now.]

[Unfortunately this girl spent the time on her bed sick as could be. She was sad to miss the family fun night of getting the garden ready.]

[Our garden as of a week ago. Not too bad! We’ve got it all: zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, tomatoes, corn, peas, green beans and watermelon. We’ve got strawberries in the front yard.]

We’ve also acquired some fun new stuff for the yard. All of which was generously donated to us by wonderful friends.

[Our backyard has been a bit boring for the kids lately. This puppy has really spiced things up out there. The kids pretend it’s a ship of some sort and they go places in it.]

[This new addition has been a thrill too. The kids LOVE playing on it and it keeps them happy for hours!]

[Even Keri loves it!]

[With all the friends we have over, this will come in handy for sure!]

[One for sand, one for water. This oughta be a fun summer!]

[Alix was in desperate need of this!]

[Niah is happy and safe now!]

I really am grateful for all of our many blessings. These things have really made our lives a little easier and for that I am grateful. Perhaps easier isn’t always the solution, but knowing my kids have fun backyard stuff to play with and things to do during the day is a real blessing to me. Now if only we had a trampoline…. :o)

One Response to “More Random Stuff”

  1. Denita says:

    Wow, feeling a little jealous here…your garden is HUGE! I understand that 3 extra feet is a lot!! And oh yes, swings are the BEST investment (or gift) you can make while your kids are young. I really don’t know what I would do with my girls if I couldn’t send them outside to play. Now the sandbox on the other hand, well let’s just say it takes some work with cats around. But I would like to get a water table for Drew this summer.