Sunday was a busy day. We both had to teach, Scott taught Sunday School and I taught two Sharing times. Both of our lessons went well and Keri once again slept through all of church and woke up as the closing prayer was being said in primary. Speaking of closing prayers, Afton HATES nursery. Worse than any of our other kids ever have. She starts crying as soon as the closing song is being sung in Sacrament meeting. I feel bad for her, but with both Scott and I teaching first hour, we don’t have much choice. She seems to cope though and the leaders say that she only cries for a few minutes and then calms down. I sure hope they are right. Scott stayed over to firm up the details about Keri’s blessing in Fresno. I brought the kids home and got them changed and almost fed and then went back and picked up Scott from church. Once the little ones were napping and Keri was content, we started the jam. We made on batch of apricot and one batch of plum. Both seem to have come out good. We haven’t tried one yet, but I’m sure they are awesome! We spent the rest of the day trying to stay cool and getting cleaned up for the arrival of Joy and kids. It was such a hot day made 10 times worse by the jam making but that was ok. We did have fun. The kids got to bed super late, but it was too hot to put them to bed sooner. We stayed up a while longer to get a few more things done and then I crashed with Keri. Scott was finishing up a few more things and Joy arrived.
Monday July 7, was a fun day for all. The kids were very excited to see each other. They played really well. Then we went to one of my friends house to play in her backyard and chat. That seemed to go well. Unfortunately Alix woke up not feeling to well but seemed to play ok. Then she just got worse. By the time we got home she was awful. She didn’t say anything hurt but her head and she was running a fever. She didn’t want to eat or drink. That was a little scary but she seemed content to lay on the couch and sleep so I just let her. After we got home from our friends house we had some quiet time. I actually slept a bit. Joy went to the store. Then I started cooking dinner. Jen Hansen in our ward just had her baby and so I was taking dinner to the family. We had decided to eat Mings, the best Chinese food place in the area. But unfortunately they were closed. We didn’t realize this till it was too late. So I took dinner to the Hansen’s and we ate some burgers and fries. That was ok though, they were good and we were all hungry!! After dinner and after Scott got home, Jaime got her first birthday celebration. A joint party with her cousin Kenneth. They both blew out a candle, opened presents and made themselves sick on brownies and ice cream. It was a great party with a happy ending. The kids stayed up late again since it was so hot but that was ok, they won’t be seeing each other again for a while I presume. They all get a long so well it’s fun to see them together. Joy decided to crash “early†with her kids while Scott and I stayed up to do some much needed chores and take care of Keri till she decided it was her bed time! We managed to get to bed before midnight….
Did Jen have a boy or a girl? It sounds like Keri isn’t as laid back during the evenings, true? Is her personality coming out yet? Which sibling is she most like, or is she not like any?