Sami's World


Since there was nothing better to do……

on March 26, 2010

I told you February was low key around here. So I got to do some projects that I’d always thought would be fun to do but never had time to do them.

Anyone else like me and have this HUGE bucket of crayons where most of them are unusable because they are so small?? Well I did and so many times I saw articles about taking all those little bits of crayons and melting them together into one big crayon. So I did!

I spent a couple of hours sorting colors and peeling off wrappers. It was a lot of fun and rather relaxing. All the kids got involved at one point and were quite helpful. Here are the results:

[Peeling off the cupcake holder that I put down before I put in all the little pieces of crayon]

[Love my rainbow?]

[Keri thought this was the coolest thing!]

Since I just made these from memory, I’m sure I did them wrong. Although they do color, they only do if you use the bottom. Apparently the color all settled to the bottom and the wax is on top. I guess during the cooling process I should have been stirring them. I think I baked them too long in the oven. I think I would have made them smaller because really, you can’t color in the lines with these big ole’ things.

But all in all the experience was fun and now we have some pretty cool looking crayons.

2 Responses to “Since there was nothing better to do……”

  1. Denita says:

    Sidewalk crayons!! :-)

  2. Cathy says:

    Couldn’t you take some old papers and mash them up and make a big piece of paper to color on? :o) Love ya! You are such a great example!