Sami's World


Ballet Tour

on March 22, 2010

My decision to keep February free of extra’s was upheld in all cases but a few. When the email came out that someone was organizing a tour of the Ballet School in San Jose I was a little hesitant because it would only involve Alix. When it comes to field trips I try to make sure it involves as many of my children as possible so that I feel as though I get my time worth out of it. But I recognized that Alix rarely gets an opportunity to do something by herself and so I took the plunge and signed up for the tour. So on Friday February 19 we managed to find parking and meet up with the group without any problems.

Seeing a \"real\" studio for the first time was fun for Alix
[Seeing a “real” studio for the first time was fun for Alix]

We were told we’d get an hour tour of the facility and all questions answered. THEN the tour would get a free one hour class from one of their professional teachers. The tour was awesome. The school shares a building with the performers from the San Jose Ballet (a professional ballet group that performs at hundred’s of dollars a seat). Being in the school gives you a better chance of making it into the ballet company, but not a guarantee. Not that any of this matters, I just found it interesting!

[They have their own on site costume department. That was an amazing thing to see. All the fabric and sewing machines and women working. Almost reminded me of a sweat shop. But the ladies were smiling and enjoying their job!]

Anyway, after the tour and the hour ballet class the teacher announced that because we came on the tour each girl gets free ballet classes for the rest of the semester (end of May) and all the things to outfit the girl for the classes (i.e. ballet shoes, leotard and tights). We so jumped on that!

[Alix is such a well behaved young lady and it was fun to see her interact with other girls her age. She did a good job during the class.]

So, Alix goes every Saturday to the ballet school in downtown San Jose and gets taught by professional teachers. She is enjoying it VERY much and seems to be doing well (although, I don’t really know because parents aren’t allowed to watch. They try to keep it very professional). I realize the catch is that they will try to tell me that Alix is good enough for the school and that I shouldn’t let this opportunity pass. But at $400 a semester, we will have to pass. But for the time being, she is enjoying it and learning a ton!

All in all it was a fun day for both of us and I’m glad I signed us up to go!

[The group]

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