Sami's World


Wanna Help?

on February 13, 2010

A really great friend of mine is going to be affected by President Obama’s proposal to stop funding the Constellation program (The Constellation program was the program that was to produce the next generation of manned space vehicles. Within the Constellation program are Projects Orion, Ares, and Altair. Altair is the lunar lander, Ares is the rocket that launches the rest of the infrastructure into space, and Orion is the crewed exploration vehicle.). If you feel that this program should not be cancelled, feel free to contact your congressmen and let them know.

Here is an exert from my friend:

What’s that you say? How can you help? Well, I’m glad you asked. Since Obama can only recommend a budget and direction for NASA, congress gets the final say, and you can help by calling and/or writing your congressmen and telling them that you support the Orion program. If you aren’t the writing/calling type, you can simply go to this web site ( ), enter your contact info, and a letter will be automatically sent to your congressmen. Don’t worry, it’s not a spam site. It was created by engineers that I work with and it is safe.

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