Sami's World


Newsie News

on December 22, 2009

My mom has been progressing nicely. As of now she is still in the care facility. Her physical progression is great but it’s hard emotionally to be away from home and her familiar surroundings. She is doing well relying on the Lord and making the best of the situation. She was able to get in a wheel chair and go to a doctor appointment. That is HUGE progress. We are all really excited for her and cheering her on! We are still making our weekly trips. We usually visit on the weekend, but if Scott has the time off we have gone on Friday. She will be there over Christmas and we will be thinking of her a ton.

Keri is growing up and getting big! She is now into singing. She sings “EI EI O” very loudly. It is the cutest thing! She loves to put on clothes (clean or dirty) and will put them in strange places (like Niah’s undershirt as her pants….should have had a camera!). She will walk around singing and bobbing her little head all the time. She also has quite the ‘tood. She will “tell you off” with her pointer finger and then walk away mumbling something as she throws her hands in the air. It is funny! She also watches her big sisters VERY closely and imitates all she sees. She is officially 18 months old and is going to nursery. They report that she is doing very well. Afton takes care of Keri during nursery and takes the responsibility very seriously. Big sisters are awesome!!

On December 6 we went to a friends house (Thanks Eyre’s!!) and made gingerbread houses out of graham crackers and frosting. We watched the 1st presidency Christmas message and then had dinner. A very FUN and very needed night. We enjoyed it a lot and the kids enjoyed it even more the next day when they ate their creations for our family night treat. Friends are so amazing!

My ankle has it’s good and bad days. Mostly bad ones this week! I had NO pain after staying completely off it for a week. Then on my first day of walking we went to the Google party and I haven’t recovered since. I think I need another week off of it and it would be good to go, but who has a week to sit around on their rump and wait for an ankle to heal?? Not me! But I might take my birthday as a day off…..we’ll see if that happens.

The Saturday after I hurt my ankle I was completely worthless. But we had TONS of stuff to do. So in an effort to be less worthless, I laid myself out on the playroom floor and directed the kids on what to do in the back yard. Eventually the neighbor girls drifted over and then their friend that was visiting came too. All in all I had 3 of mine and 3 “others” helping. Man did they have a good time and do a good job. It only took them about 40 minutes to complete the job. Even better, they enjoyed themselves and felt good about a job well done.

The other day I went into the dinning room and found that these three had made a train to eat their lunch. I thought it was too cute and had to take a picture. Kids have such amazing imaginations and make life so fun.

One Response to “Newsie News”

  1. Denita says:

    Happy Birthday Sami!!! I miss you.