Sami's World


Down and out…..AGAIN!!

on December 14, 2009

Remember my cake post? Well, after making that wonderful cake and cupcakes, we headed to the birthday party. It was at Pump It Up and the expectation for fun was high. I was totally “pumped” to slide, jump and have a GREAT time. It sure started out that way. Till the obstacle course started me on a downward spiral. I tweaked my ankle while trying to climb up a “rock wall” of air and rubber. Embarrassing I know. But I didn’t stop there, oh no. Not me. I had to keep playing. Had to be tough. I can be so lame sometimes!

By the end of the party I was pretty sore and not able to walk. By the time I got home I was miserable and achy and was pretty sure I had done some major damage. Fortunately for me we have an awesome chiropractor in our ward; Dr. Bennett. He came over the next morning and tweaked it back. He informed me I had sprained BOTH sides of my ankle, pretty hard to do apparently. But as I always say ‘if I’m going to do, I might was well do it right’. I wasn’t able to walk still but at least the constant ache went away. For the next 2 1/2 days I laid on the couch with my foot raised and icing my ankle every 2 hours.

On Sunday Roberta brought over some crutches for me and by Monday night I got off the couch and ventured out of the house. After using the crutches for two days there was a whole gamat of muscles that hurt and I no longer felt the pain of the ankle….. :o)

By Wednesday I was hobbling slowly around on my toes but my heal was still hurting pretty bad. Thursday night I did a full foot walk and by Friday I could walk slowly full footed. Today, 10 days after the injury, I walk pretty much fine but my leg still gets fatigued pretty easily. Like right now there is a low, constant ache in my heal after having walked on it all day. I still can’t run or even walk fast. But we are getting there slowly but surely.

I guess Pump It Up is out for me. I’m just not as young as I used to be!

One Response to “Down and out…..AGAIN!!”

  1. Denita says:

    Aw, I am sorry to hear that! I hope you are back to your old self again very soon.