Sami's World


Reputation Saved

on December 9, 2009

After Niah’s birthday cake disaster I had almost written myself off as a horrible cake decorator. I mean it was cute and all but it ‘didn’t look like the picture’. So I was a little discouraged. I was glad that Roberta gave me the chance to redeem myself. It was a much easier cake but still, it turned out GREAT.

Here it is:

[Like the cupcakes? Last minute idea that I had. I was feeling creative I guess]

The best part of all this?? Jaime and Alix helped me!! Jaime helped me with the big cake. We all did the cupcakes together. Alix did the pink frosting. I did the purple outline. Jaime did the yellow middle.

One Response to “Reputation Saved”

  1. Mande says:

    Adorable! You just needed a sous chef or two. That makes everything more fun.