Sami's World


Black Friday

on December 7, 2009

After my near death experience last year (ok, maybe not, but it was still pretty scary being in a crowd that moved and if you didn’t it could mean trouble) I decided against going to any stores early in the morning. However, many a friend told me how easy it was to go online and get most of the same deals as in the stores. And since we live in California we could get the deals east coast time. So I set the alarm for 1:45am and had hopes for getting what I wanted. At 2 am and 30 seconds I click on the stuff I want and EVERYTHING from 5 different stores was already sold out! It took less than 2 minutes for every online store to sell out of everything.

There was one store that still had an item I wanted but the shipping was going to be more expensive than the item itself. Whatever!! I turned off the computer and went to bed!

We woke up at 5:50 am and got ourselves ready to go to my mom’s super quick. We were suppose to leave at 5:30am. Ooops! We got on the road by 6:30 and we arrived in Fresno by 9am. We picked up my sister and did a few things at the apartment before going to see my mom. Unfortunately for us, she had just been taken to the shower so it was an hour later before we could visit with her. We were suppose to leave by 12:45 but we didn’t get out till 1:30. It was a nice visit. We brought her some left over Thanksgiving dinner (all the things she could eat). We brought Sara a plate of food too. They seemed to enjoy the home cooked food. Something neither of them have gotten for a month. I’m glad we can go and visit so often. It helps everyone to see Grandma improving and for Grandma to see us. I think it gives Sara a change of scenery too.

After all our good byes we headed home as fast as we could. We were suppose to be in Brentwood by 5pm. We didn’t get home till 5. Jaime and Alix were going to have their first sleep over with Cami and Lily. It was, of course, a parent supervised sleep over. I’m just not into the sleep over thing. But it was fun. We got there just after 6. The girls played, had pizza, played some more, made marshmellow popcorn and then watched UP. We are all indifferent about the movie. Alix really liked it. I liked it ok and Jaime didn’t really like it at all. About 11 the girls bunked down for the night and so did Erika and I. We were up bright and early Saturday morning. The girls played more. We had waffles for breakfast, left over Thanksgiving eats for lunch and came home for dinner. I’m glad we could go. Everyone had such a nice time.

After we got home we ate really fast and dressed even faster and went for family pictures. My neighbor Ian said he’d do our family pictures for us (he does it professionally on the side) and Roberta said we could use her house. Things did not go well from the begining and we got a bunch of pictures I don’t particularly like (feel free to look at them, they are posted on this site). But we’ll work with it and remember it’s for the memory of it all. We invited everyone over for some left over pie and ice cream and had a great time socializing with some very good neighbors. We are lucky to live where we live. We all look out for each other and are good friends.

One Response to “Black Friday”

  1. Denita says:

    Whenever I hear about your excursions one right after the other I just think you are super woman! I drive in the car for one hour and I’m exhausted! To Fresno and then Brentwood in 1 day? Wow. Dedicated daughter and mother!!