Sami's World


A Wonderful Thanksgiving

on December 5, 2009

We had a blast this year for Thanksgiving. Actually, we always do (except that one year we drove to Vegas; but we won’t go there…. :o)

It started weeks before when we made our list of food and started doing all the shopping. But the real fun started the day before. On Wednesday November 26 we cleaned like maniacs first. Then we had dinner and then we started pie making.

Jaime was the crust woman as usual.

Everyone took a turn with the apple corer/peeler.

After that I made the fillings and we put the apple pies in the oven. After clean up (again) we made our Thanksgiving turkeys (thanks Grandma Thompson) for the table and had fun enjoying being together as a family.

After turkey making all the little kids went to bed and Jaime and Alix stayed up till 10pm with me making more pies. We made 2 apple pies, 4 pumpkin pies, 1 banana cream, 1 chocolate pie and layered jello. I also made a cherry pie and did a lattice work top crust. When I showed it to Scott he said ‘Hey, you didn’t weave it!!’ O’well, maybe next time!!

I finally got to bed around midnight, not bad considering all we got done. I was up bright and early Thanksgiving morning (5:45am) to get the turkey started. I got out the giblets and let them boil while I got other things prepared and ready. The stuffing was in the turkey and the turkey in the oven by 7:15am when the rest of the family joined me. We had some yummy oatmeal for breakfast and then Scott started the rolls. The dinner came along wonderfully.

I’m so grateful to have such a wonderful family full of desire to help. We really had a great time involving all the kids in the preparations. Our or’dourves included: olive/cheese/pickle thing, deviled eggs and 7-layer dip (our family Thanksgiving tradition). Dinner was: Turkey, homemade cashew stuffing, mashed potatoes (real ones), green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, homemade rolls, watergate salad and fruit salad. Good eats indeed!!

We shared our Thanksgiving with our neighbors Roberta and Laurent and Sophie and Emillie. We truly are grateful for them and are so blessed that they are in our lives. Roberta was in charge of setting the table (she did a fabulous job) and we even whipped out the “fine” china. The kids were certainly impressed.

After a wonderful lunch we had some down time. Roberta, Laurent, Scott and I sat around chatting and enjoying some adult time while the kids played and enjoyed not being watch by an ever present parent….

After a bit of clean up Roberta went and took a nap, the dads set up the bounce house (one last time before we returned it), Jaime typed an email and I just lazed around enjoying the fullness of a tasty meal.

About 3:30 we got out the pies and ice cream and whipped topping and went to town. I think everyone had a taste of everything. Then we went on a walk. We then said good night to our wonderful neighbors and got the kids to bed early. We were getting up early and we wanted everyone fresh and happy.

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