Sami's World


Hair Cut Time

on December 5, 2009

Unfortunately, some of us come to the point when we HAVE to cut our hair. Alix came to that point about 30 minutes before Niah’s birthday party was suppose to start. She had taken a shower and needed to brush her hair. But instead she got a BIG knot.

[The knot is really huge! See??]

I’m talking a days worth of picking if I was going to get that knot out. So we did the only thing we could, cut it out.

Of course at that point I had to “fix” her hair. If anyone knows me, I’m NOT good at “fixing” hair. It’s a good thing most of her hair will be grown out before any of you see her again.

[My attempt at “fixing” her hair included putting her hair in a pony tail, cutting it to the length I wanted the pony tail to be and then when I took the pony out it should look layered…..Nope, it didn’t work for me!!]

The best part??? Alix LOVES her hair. She thinks it’s great and it is a lot easier to brush out now. The other good part??? It’s easy to hide the hideous haircut given by her mother simply by putting her hair in a rubber band or a head band.

One of these days I may have hair cutting down….. Most of the time I just try to avoid it!

p.s. I don’t have an after picture sorry. And I’ve cut it a couple more times since then anyway….

One Response to “Hair Cut Time”

  1. laura k says:

    You have to put the pony tail right at the forehead for the latering to work, and make sure all the hair is brushed smoothly into the pony tail. The layers aren’t perfect, but they’ll be pretty close. I used to cut my own hair that way in college.