Sami's World


Christmas Thought

on December 2, 2009

Mark E. Petersen:
For Christmas let us give ourselves the greatest of gifts—a Christlike life.
Jesus is our Savior, temporally as well as spiritually. He “giveth the

The world may reject Him, even scorn Him, but He is greater than the world.

Philosophers may ridicule, but the wisdom of men shall perish. The will and
wisdom of God alone has enduring significance.

When Peter taught that there is salvation in none but Christ, he spoke with
greater significance than most of us realize.

As the Creator, Jesus controls the universe. He can stay the storms; He can
open the windows of heaven and pour out such blessings that we can hardly
contain them, if we will but serve Him. His is the up way. His is the
abundant life. His is the path to peace and prosperity. Have we the wisdom
to see and accept it?

This Christmas let us recognize Him for what He is and humbly take His name
upon us and be saved, physically, economically, and spiritually.

(“The Greatest of Gifts,” New Era, Dec 1971, 5)

One Response to “Christmas Thought”

  1. Denita says:

    Awesome, that works perfectly for the lesson I have to give in RS on Sunday! Thanks!!