Sami's World


Word of Wisdom

on November 29, 2009

I have this little booklet that was given to me years ago at a relief society enrichment meeting. Each page is one weeks worth of scripture study and questions to ponder on a certain subject. Even though this little booklet was very cool, I did not actually pick it up and start doing it page by page till recently.

Last week my topic of study was the Word of Wisdom. The thing that spoke to my heart was this:Stop focusing on the don’ts and focus on the DO’s.

So what does that mean for me?

Here is my list:
DO eat fresh fruits and veggies that are in season
DO eat grains of all kinds as my main source of nutrition
DO go to bed early and get up early
DO get plenty of exercise (not in word of wisdom but in modern revelation)
DO eat meat sparingly (that means I can eat meat sometimes & not feel guilty that I am breaking the w of w)

If I focus on the do’s and less on the don’ts I will be blessed even more. Fortunately for me, I’ve got the don’ts down. So focusing on those does not help me progress spiritually. However, if I spend the time focusing on the do’s, which I don’t have down very well, I will progress spiritually. On top of that, I’ll get a healthier body and mind and be able to have the strength to accomplish all that the Lord needs me to accomplish.

What great blessings can be in store for me if I focus on the do’s and actually do them!

p.s. I highly recommend you read A Marvelous Work and A Wonder chapter 25

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