Sami's World


Niah’s 5!!

on November 26, 2009

Well my 4th child is now 5 years old. How time flies!! Since this was her 5th birthday she got to have a birthday party that she invited friends to. Normally we just do a family party when our children have a birthday.

[As you can see, Niah has changed quite a bit over the year… :o)]

Since her birthday landed on a Thursday (November 19) we planned the party for Saturday. But we still wanted to make her day special so she got to go with Scott to have breakfast at work. She thought that was pretty special. Then we went to our science class and she got a lot of birthday wishes there. The rest of the day was pretty normal. But she was looking forward to Saturday, I think…..

[So pretty!!]

With me gone helping my mom and my mind else where most of the time, planning this party was a bit tough. But I made myself focus and we finally had a guest list of 5 friends and some games and activities planned. We borrowed a bounce house from a friend (Thanks Laura) and we got some bubbles and sidewalk chalk and lots of snacks. On Friday,the day before the party, it was raining. I was a little worried about the party the next day but the weather assured us it was to be sunny and bright. We then spent the day cleaning like mad and getting all the stuff for the party. I spent Friday night baking and decorating Niah’s cake and making goodie bags.

[Not one of my better cakes. It’s suppose to be Tinkerbell…..]

On Saturday morning we cleaned AGAIN, got dressed and decorated. Then we set up the bounce house in our back yard (it was a GORGEOUS day) and waited for our guests to come. It was a fabulous party.

[Curtain of streamers]

[Jaime was so excited to be a helper at this party.]

[Niah’s favorite spot!]

The kids jumped in the bounce house.

Then they decorated their own goodie bags.

Next they made their own pizza’s.

After that they got their nails painted by Jaime and Alix.

Then they ate their pizza and some snacks.

Following that they all went out and drew birthday messages for Niah on the sidewalk with chalk.

We then had a rousing time of blowing bubbles.

Next we sang happy birthday and blew out candles.

Niah then opened her presents and was SO happy with everything she got.

We ended the party with more jumping and finally out in the front riding bikes.

All-in-all it was a wonderful party. Jaime and Alix were fabulous party helpers and I felt at ease and no stress. This is the first 5 year old party I’ve thrown and not been pregnant. I could tell the difference the most after the party. After everyone left I still had enough energy to clean up. It was so nice. I spent about an hour and the place looked great. It’s nice to have energy!!

After the party and clean up we just enjoyed being a family and relaxing. I think Niah will say she had a successful party.

My 5 favorite things about Niah (in no particular order):

1- Her hair. I don’t want to focus on her external beauty but her hair is awesome. I love to comb it and braid it. I love to see it fresh out of the shower with pig tails or a head band. Her hair is just the right combination of brown with blond streaks. It’s not too thin or too thick. It’s just beautiful! I’ll be sad the day she wants to cut it off!!

2- Her loving personality. She tries so hard to be the best, most loving big sister and daughter ever. She’ll go make my bed just because she wants to see me smile. She’ll clean up a room just because it feels good to do it. She’ll play with her younger siblings so that they will smile and feel happy. She is such a joy to be around.

3- Her love of animals. If I didn’t know better she’s going to be a veterinarian or a rescue society when she grows up. She’ll “adopt” any animal any time! She is so mothering. Of course the animal loves the attention and Niah is just so sweet about it. She LOVES our neighbor’s dog. Sometimes our neighbor, Nina, will bring the dog over and let Niah “babysit” for a few minutes while she finishes something at home. Niah is just in heaven during those times.

4- Her love of learning. She is my only child so far that is so in love with learning that I can’t teach her fast enough. The reading book we do says we should do one lesson a day for about 20 minutes. She can do 2 lessons in that amount of time and then wants to do more! She breezes through her daily work so fast and so good that I run out of things for her to do before we run out of time. It’s such a joy to teach her!

5- She can make friends with anybody. Of all my children she is the most friendly and out going. She can walk up to anyone of any age and become best friends instantly. She just has such a good personality for making people feel good.

I love you Niah! It’s been a wonderful 5 years.

One Response to “Niah’s 5!!”

  1. Denita says:

    Aw, I am sad we missed such a wonderful party! And I could tell the cake was Tinkerbell before I read that’s what it was supposed to be. Happy Birthday Niah! Have a great year.