Sami's World


Mother Bear

on November 24, 2009

The other day we got a flier in the mail advertising for some classes through the community center during the Thanksgiving week break. One of them was a sports class. Since Milo loves sports and has been begging me to sign him up for something Scott and I decided we should sign him up. It is a drop off class for 4 hours each morning. I drove to the rec department and as I was getting out of the car to sign him up I froze.

This image of dropping off my only son for 4 hours at some sports class with lots of other children who would be capable of being very mean was so vivid I could not get out of the car. I was so worried about Milo being made fun of and not having me to turn to that I couldn’t move. I finally called Scott and expressed my concern. I was silently hoping he would agree with me and I could leave and not have to expose my sweet son to such torture.

However, my wonderful husband said (in not so many words) ‘Buck up Sami and sign that boy up. He needs it’. So, with tail between my legs, I signed him up.

Yesterday (November 23) was his first class. On the way there Milo was lamenting about how he doesn’t have many friends and when he tries to make friends they all just make fun of him. We talked about his good friends and those that have not been too kind to him. He asked me what he should do at the class if someone made fun of him. I just told him to smile and try to be their friend but if that didn’t work he should just walk away.

When I signed him in I just made mention to the person in charge (in private of course) that kids have a tendency to make fun of Milo and if they could just keep an eye on him for me.

Well, I’m happy to report that things went very well. Milo had a great time and made a new friend. He said for the most part everyone just ignored everyone else and they just played games and had fun. He really enjoys it and he is in good with the coaches and helpers! Just like Milo!! He is sad that tomorrow is already the last day of his class but I’m glad he had a good time and it was good for me to finally cut the apron strings and let him spread his wings a little bit more.

I love that boy so much and it’s hard for me to think that not everyone instantly loves him. He’s such a kind hearted little boy with so much love for others that he blows me away. Don’t get me wrong, he torments as good as the rest of them, but he sure does have a soft heart.

One Response to “Mother Bear”

  1. Melissa says:

    Awwwww….. we love Milo too. I have to admit it’s hard for me to do the “drop off” things too. And I think that’s okay!