Sami's World


Merry Christmas to us

on November 21, 2009

Well we did it. We got ourselves an early Christmas present. Now normally I would not brag about something like this. I mean really, who wants to know all about the wonderful things I’m getting this year for Christmas? Well, despite my better judgment, I’m going to brag……

I got four, count them four, brand spanking new tires on my van! Yep folks we are the proud owners of new tires. Since we were going all the way, I also got the $20 car detailing and they threw in new windshield wiper blades for FREE. Man, it feels like I’m driving a new car! Merry Christmas to us! The kids are really excited……

Ever wonder how fast a BIG FAT FORD VAN goes through tires??? Well more often than most vehicles due to the weight of the van. Especially if you load the van down with heavy stuff (a.k.a. camping, trips to Utah, lots of kids and all their stuff). So after only two years we had totally bald tires in the front and close enough to totally bald tires in the back.

The guy said we would get more use out of our tires if we rotated more often, kept the tires at a higher psi and had the alignment checked at every rotation. I guess we’ll try that this time around and see what happens.

Hope you all get some wonderful things for Christmas, just like we did!

2 Responses to “Merry Christmas to us”

  1. Denita says:

    Merry Christmas!! You make me laugh!!

  2. Kari says:

    Glad you could get something nice for yourselves. It sure is nice, not having to worry about your vehicle, huh!