Sami's World


By Scott

on November 8, 2009

I was making tuna fish yesterday when Jaime comes up, grabs the can and starts scrutinizing it.

“What?” I ask.

“Is this tuna dolphin safe?” she asks?

“I dunno’. Why, are you not gonna eat it if it’s not dolphin safe?”

“No. I only eat dolphin safe tuna.” says my environmentally conscious 10 year old.

She studies the can a few moments longer, and says,

“OK, good, it’s dolphin safe” pointing out the label and walks away satisfied.

I didn’t realize that 10 year old girls cared about stuff like that.

2 Responses to “By Scott”

  1. Denita says:

    Oh Scott, this is only the beginning! And you can’t even blame it on her schooling, because you are in charge of that too!

  2. Scott says:

    I guess it’s good that she cares. I just never expected her first moral stance to be against commercial fishing. :-)