Sami's World


Movie night……s

on August 27, 2009

So for some reason Scott and I have been craving to watch Fiddler on the Roof. But of course we did not have the movie. But never fear, Grandma Thompson was here. She brought us the movie (a HUGE thanks).

First off, I don’t remember it being so GOOD. I remember liking it (13 years ago when I watched it). But I had forgotten how GOOD it was. Second, I forgot how LONG it was. It took us two nights to watch. Third, I forgot how mature it was. We were originally excited to show it to the kids, but now I think we will hold off for a few years.

So to all you Fiddler fans: ‘If I were a rich man……’

One Response to “Movie night……s”

  1. Mande says:

    I have that one on DVD. I LOVE it! Teagan used to laugh and laugh when we would sing if I were a rich man to him.