Sami's World


Brain Dump

on August 25, 2009

One of my great friends used this as the title to her latest blog post. I think it describes my post perfectly so I’m going to “borrow” the phrase…..(Thanks Camille!!).

On Sunday August 9 we had a new family over for dinner. The Eyre family came over and we had a marvelous time. They have a daughter Alix’s age, a son Milo’s age and a son Afton’s age. It was nice to get to know them better and watch the kids have so much fun together. The next day we ended up going to their house for swimming. That was fun. Again, the kids had a blast together. It’s always fun to meet new people. Monday was also spent cleaning up from having Mandi here. I had to do 8 loads of laundry to catch up from all the loads I didn’t do during the week. I used Roberta’s washer and dryer too so I could get done faster. Thanks Roberta!!

On Friday August 14 we had a primary activity. I was put in charge and did all I could to advertise and make it a VERY low key activity. Both objectives were accomplished. We planned a Friday Family Fun night. We had 11 families come (that’s a lot for our ward!). We did a bbq in the baseball field by our church building. Then the kids and dad’s played kick ball and we ended the evening with an ice cream sundae bar. We were all packed up and home by 9pm. A seriously fun night!

Saturday August 15 we spent the day cleaning up our back/side yard. We ordered a bulky pick up and we had to have our pile ready by 6am Monday morning. Scott was the go getter. Thanks babe for cleaning everything up! Even our neighbors took advantage of the extra pick up and we had a pretty good pile for the garbage man on Monday.

The crazy part about it was at one point I went outside and all the kids were playing with the things that were in the pile. Yep, out in the middle of the street playing barbies and relaxing. So crazy!! We also had the missionaries for dinner. That was fun stuff. It’s always nice to have the elders here to help enhance the spirit of the home. Sunday night we had the other set of missionaries. Twice the spiritual uplift. Just what we needed.

On Sunday during quiet time Milo and Scott sat down to put together a wooden boat that Laurent brought home from China a month ago.

The instructions went like this:
1: punch out all the pieces
2: sand rough edges
3: put same numbered pieces together

Except after you punch all the pieces out, you don’t know which one was which number. Scott had a “fun” time with that one!!

[Milo sure thought he was the luckiest boy on Earth!]

Monday August 16, we had another beach day. Yay for us!! We left here about noon. The McKune’s rode with us as did Leilani.

[Niah comes downstairs and proclaims she is ready for the beach. I turned around and this is what I saw. I couldn’t stop laughing!!]

I invited any and all the families from our ward and around Fremont to join us. We ended up with 5 families coming. I think the total was 30 something in attendance. We played in the sand and waves till 5.

[Leilani and the kids found these sand bugs and were having a great time with them. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of one of the bugs…..]

Then cleaned up and built a fire. Scott showed up about 6pm. We were all happy to see him. We really got the fire going by 8 and then told stories, joked and laughed till 10pm. Most of the kids fell asleep and us adults just had a great time. Thanks to all who came you made the night that much better.

[While I was cleaning up and putting stuff away, Niah had an accident in her bathing suite. I asked Afton to stay with Keri while I ran to the bathroom (it wasn’t that far and there were other families/adults there). Afton took her responsibility seriously and would not leave Keri’s side. At one point someone wanted to put a towel on Keri (it started to get chili) and Afton threw a fit saying that she was suppose to take care of her sister. It was too cute and it showed me how much love a little person can really have.]

On Tuesday my brother called and said ‘Instead of coming on Friday could I come tomorrow??’ What?? YES!! I was so excited to get that phone call. Two families in one month coming to visit me, just me?? Talk about heaven!! But boy did I have a lot of work to do. We spent the rest of Tuesday and the bulk of Wednesday getting the house clean and the laundry done. I think I did 8 loads of laundry in those two days. That way I wouldn’t have to do any while my brother and, eventually, everyone else was here.

Unfortunately, Tuesday Milo woke in the night throwing up. I was sure he was just tired and maybe sun stroke from all of our adventures over the last few days. I texted (is that a word??) my brother in that early hour, and he still came with the hopes and dreams that Milo would be fine too. Milo was pretty wiped out most of Wednesday. He just slept a lot and tried to recover from whatever was ailing his body. I had no idea what was in store for us……

One Response to “Brain Dump”

  1. Mandi says:

    Hahahaha yeah I made one of those punch out wooden things and I did the exact same thing… it had a gazillion pieces that were so close to identical…. what a pain lol.