Once again I’ve let this go too long. There isn’t much to report so you should be able to get through this quickly….
Saturday March 29 was spent doing all of our morning chores. Making it possible for us to have the afternoon and evening as relaxing fun time. Jaime, Alix and I went down to the church in the afternoon so they could practice their song. About a month ago Sister Littlejohn, our music coordinator, asked if our family would sing the 9th article of faith in Sacrament meeting. Since the only real singers in the family are the kids we thought we could get the kids to do it. I figured Jaime could learn how to play it on the piano and then the other kids could sing. I also knew that if I told the kids this, they’d all say no and it would be a struggle from the get go. So instead I asked Jaime ‘Hey, do you think you could play the 9th article of faith?’ She opened the book and, with a little help from Grandma Thompson, plucked out a tune. It didn’t sound too right, but I figured it was well on it’s way. I then talked to her piano teacher and she was a champ. She got Jaime on the right track and in about a week she was playing the top hand like a champ. One more week and she had both hands going. Now I had to get the other kids to sing it. Lucky me I didn’t have to. One day Jaime and Alix decided they wanted to do a performance for FHE and practiced all week, Jaime played and Alix sang. It worked out lovely. So on the Thursday before I broke the news to them. That Sister Littlejohn was looking for someone to perform the 9th article of faith. Jaime was a bit reluctant, she always is, Alix was ecstatic They practiced long and hard the next two days and while we were getting ready to practice at church Jaime declared she would not do it. I told her ‘O.K. But we are still going to the church to practice.’ Of course on Sunday morning they both did marvelous. The funny thing about the whole incident is that the program read ‘9th article of faith by the Thompson Family, piano by Alex Thompson.’ We all just laughed. The bishop even announced it like that. We assured the girls it was just them and that the rest of the family would be sitting and cheering them on. We got A LOT of compliments on their performance and they were recognized in Primary. I think we should do this again. It’s good for them and it’s good for their younger siblings to see them do it.
Sunday, after church, was just a normal easy Sunday. We tried to do dinner outside again but the wind was so windy and cold, we moved our family picnic to inside. It was still fun.
Monday – Wednesday were just stay home days. We did school and chores and playing outside. The kids were awesome and we got lots of work done.
Thursday, April 3, was piano and dance day. Both of those seemed to go well. We played outside during Jaime’s dance class. Since it’s more than obvious that I am pregnant, a few of the moms said something to me. They were very kind about it. But there is this one mom, very kind, that just finds it very interesting that I’d have a big family. She made an awkward scene that I was not quite ready for, but am grateful for so that if it were to happen again, I know exactly how I would respond. I really did have to laugh about the whole thing. At one point one of the moms said ‘So in your religion does this make you perfect?’ I responded with a very firm ‘NO!’ I really wanted to make some sarcastic remark but realized it was not the best time to do it. I just kindly told her that family is very important in our religion and that we have chosen to have a big one.
Friday Alix had a dermatology appointment. I dropped the other kids at my friend Camille’s house and then arranged to meet her at the park. Alix still has toenail fungus after 2 years of fighting it. The doctor just said to keep an eye on it and see if it gets any worse. We left and I went to the park. The kids had a lot of fun running and playing and seeing their friends. We got home a bit late. But that was ok, I was making a quick dinner of Hawaiian haystacks. It should be easy. Except when I got home we were locked out. I had my keys, the door handle had broken and therefore would not turn to let us in. I tried to break the door handle but that did not work. Finally, instead of breaking down the front door, I went around to the side and kicked in the side door (not bad work for being 30 weeks pregnant). I busted the door jam but got inside. It only took 30 minutes to accomplish that. Scott got home shortly after and realized he had quite the project on his hands. We ate a quick dinner and he was off. What a good sport he is for having to deal with such a stubborn wife. He got the front door in working order and decided to save the other door for another night. We still didn’t make it to bed till 2 am though. That’s ok, it’s building memories, right??
Saturday and Sunday were spent at home watching conference over the Internet We had a great time spending time together as a family. On Saturday during sessions we got our front yard a little more under control and on Sunday we just played together as a family. What great and inspiring talks that were given. I’m grateful for the council given and look forward to rereading many of the talks.
Today, Monday April 7, was suppose to be a busy afternoon. Except Alix’s art class she was suppose to start today got canceled This is either the 3 or 4 time this has happened in the last year. I guess everyone wants to do art on Saturday’s. So we looked on line for anther class but couldn’t find one until next month. So Alix will have to go another month with no extra fun class to do. She was pretty broken up about it but pulled through like a champ. I had a doctor’s appointment today. I’m officially 30 weeks and everything is fine. I was in and out in 15 minutes. That’s a record for me. Usually my doctor is anywhere from 20-60 minutes behind. No fun!! But he’s a great old guy and very knowledgeable, so I don’t complain. We got home in enough time to do chores, play with our neighbors and have the sister missionaries over for dinner. It has been a great day.
Some side notes:
Milo is doing really well in his reading. He read a three word sentence today “mad at meâ€. He was very pleased with himself and so was I. I was hoping to have finished the reading program before the baby was born, but we will only get about half way through it. I’m sure he’ll be fine. It might set him back a little but he’s a trooper.
Milo and Niah were talking about their cousins and how much they love and miss them. Niah asks Milo if Toby is a cousin. Milo said ‘no, you can only be a cousin if you live far away.’
We were having FHE about general conference We asked the kids who we would see during general conference. Milo says ‘Gordon B. Hinkley.’ Not to burst his bubble we asked ‘O.K. Who is Gordon B. Hinkley.’ Milo says ‘He’s an old guy with a cane that died.’
We were sitting at the dinner table talking about something and Jaime made the comment ‘It’s because we have so many children.’ I started giving her a hard time about having so many children. I told her perhaps we should sell one (speaking directly to her). She started laughing and saying ‘no,no’ I explored all the places we could sell her to and finally said ‘We’ll sell you to a farm, I think we can get the most money out of you that way.’ All of a sudden Milo raises both hands in the air and says, very happily, ‘Sell me, Sell me!!’ It was too funny. We still walk around saying ‘sell me, sell me.’
Today while we were driving home from the doctors appointment I told the kids that the missionaries were coming over for dinner. Niah asks, ‘mom, are the mommy missionaries or the daddy missionaries coming?’
That is all for now. I guess this ended up MUCH longer than I thought it would. Thanks for enduring and I hope all is well with all of you. We love you all very much and are so happy to be part of this great family network. Thanks for being so wonderful and supportive. Much love.
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