Sami's World


Day 3

on August 16, 2009

Thursday August 6 seemed to WANT to be a bad day. It was suppose to be our beach day. However, at 8 am it was raining. Mingled with Alix still not quite up to par I was sure the day was ruined. But, trying to be optimistic, I asked Mandi if she’d like to switch activities and do Friday’s activity on Thursday hoping the weather, and Alix, would improve. Mandi said sure and so we made the switch. Lucky for me, Scott was NOT feeling well and told me he was planning on staying home. So I asked him if Alix could stay with him and get better. He said sure and the rest of us packed up and left. We picked up Cindi and Joseph and we were off.

Bradley got stuck when he tried to climb out the back of the van!

We were on our way to Muir woods. I had decided to take the scenic tour through San Francisco. It was a marvelous drive and, shortly after leaving, the weather cleared up and it was a BEAUTIFUL day.

It took us much longer to get to Muir woods than we had planned but it was such a good drive. We had to park down the road and “hike” to the entrance but the kids needed it after being in the car so long.

Muir woods was AWESOME. The trees are beautiful, the weather was perfect and the company GREAT.

They kept saying they saw fish down there……

After our 2 mile walk (it did not seem that far, but according to the map it was 2 miles) we had a picnic and looked around the gift shop.

We finally started walking back to the car about 5pm. After our “hike” we were back on the road.

Jaime and Keri going for a ride

Gotta have the picture with someone taking a bite

By this time Scott was feeling better and bbq’d for us while we drove home. We had a yummy dinner of hamburgers and chicken and corn and various fruits and veggies that needed to be consumed.

It was a marvelous dinner even more so because I didn’t have to cook it! Afterward we roasted marshmallows over the hot coals. Another VERY fun, successful day filled with LOTS of tired kids (and parents!!).

Josh enjoying his marshmallow

2 Responses to “Day 3”

  1. Mandi says:

    So I was showing Wes the map from Muir Woods and noticed the hike we went on said it was only 1 mile, the big black one was the one that was 2…. so yeah, that’s why it didn’t feel that long lol. I’m so ready to come back and play again!!

  2. Scott Thompson says:

    You gotta’ love the picture of Milo wearing an SF Giants t-shirt and an Oakland A’s cap.