Sami's World


Long Entry: part 1

on March 23, 2008

Well this is try number 2!! Yes, once again I wrote a REALLY long entry and just as I was finishing, I lost the whole thing! I’ve been too sad to try again. So here it is 4 days later, more stuff has happened, which means it will be even longer. Lucky you!! :0)

Since it has been so long since entries, I’ll try and make this detailed but short (hahaha!!). I’ll do this in week segments, so check back daily and see if I keep to my goal…..

Thursday March 6 was a normal day of school, piano, school, chores, dance. It was “easy” and that is always a good day.

Friday March 7, Scott had his over night fishing trip. We were suppose to get together with a family whose dad went on the same fishing trip but that didn’t end up working out. That was fine though. We did school and chores and then met friends at the park at 3. We left around 5:30 and got dinner. We ate dinner at home and then watched a movie and ate “junk food” till late hours of the night. The kids really enjoyed it and were a little sad to go to bed, but it was necessary.

Saturday was spent doing chores and getting ready for the park. Since Scott was gone and I didn’t know when he would be home, I took the kids to the park. We met another family there and Jaime invited a friend over to play so she came to the park too. We stayed for a good 2 hours before the kids were just too tired and hungry and Scott was home anyway. Before we went to the park we had spent a good three hours cleaning and getting things “nice” for dad to come home. When Jaime’s friend, Katie, walked in the door the first thing she said was ‘Wow, this house is messy’! We just had to laugh. She is the youngest of four and the oldest is on a mission. She is used to a VERY clean house. Anyway, we had a yummy dinner and some ice cream for dessert. Then the kids made forts and ran around and had fun till Katie had to go home. Then it was off to bed for everyone.

Sunday March 9 was a HARD day for us. The time change really threw us all off and we had a hard time getting up in the morning and getting ready for church. But somehow we made it to church on time and somehow managed to keep our sanity till the end of Sacrament. After church I had a meeting so Scott came home with the kids by himself and got them lunch and down for quiet time. It was a fun and relaxing afternoon. Since it was so nice out, we went on a family walk and then played some family games in the back yard. We had dinner outside with homemade lemonade (Alix did it all by herself. She squeezed the lemons and put in the right amount of sugar and water. We were all really impressed with her ability to make such a yummy drink). We also made thin mint milk shakes out of girl scout cookies. It was a great evening and we really enjoyed the sunshine and late light of the sun.

Monday, March 10, was ‘get as much school work as we could get done’ day. Joy was coming that night and we knew we wouldn’t get much school done on Tuesday. So we got a lot done and did our chores and went to bed all ready for Joy and the kids to show up. They showed up some time very late that night and sneaked in.

In the morning, Tuesday, we ended up waking the Layton family very early, but they seemed ok about that. We had some yummy pancakes and everyone got dressed and ready for the day. We took a walk to the nearest park and the kids seemed to have a TON of fun playing and enjoying their cousins. When we got home we did a mandatory quiet time so that little ones and Joy could catch up on sleep. I even laid down for a little while. The “awake” kids stayed out back and read and played quietly. After quiet time we decided on an “easy” dinner and got take out from Mings (a REALLY yummy Chinese restaurant in town). We enjoyed it very much and there were tons of left overs (THANKS Joy!). We had early bedtimes for the kids so they could have enough energy for the activities of the next day. Niah and Caitlin had become such good friends during the day that they insisted on sleeping together that night. It was so cute and they did pretty good (once they went to sleep). Niah still talks about her “friend” Caitlin and how much she misses her. Joy and I stayed up kinda late talking and enjoying the quiet of the home.

Wednesday morning came too soon. After a late start Joy and the kids were on their way and my kids and I were sad to see them go. We spent the rest of the day cleaning and doing some school. A total let down from the day before!

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