Sami's World


Fun Filled days of July

on July 31, 2009

At the 4th of July parade, they handed out some kid newspapers. Along with some very nice coupons for Cold Stone and the local miniature golf place, they had a calendar of things to do everyday of July. I think we did 21 of the 31 ideas. Here they are in no particular order:

Graham cracker day. They suggested you take a graham cracker and spread cream cheese on it. Then you add your favorite fruit or other topping for a mini cheese cake. We got a little creative and boy were they GOOD!!

Chocolate day. They suggested making a word search with different candy bars. We made chocolate pudding instead!!

National Peach Month was in July. They suggested reading James and the Giant Peach. We ate peaches instead (we like food around here!!)

Hot dog day. They suggested you play a game of baseball (which we did on a different day). We ate hot dogs instead.

The kids LOVED make a scrapbook page day. They did a great job.

Movie Night was fun too. They suggested making popcorn. We made Grandma Thompson’s marshmallow popcorn. It was wonderfully good as was the movie.

Stay cool day. We ran through the sprinklers. The kids had a great time and the grass got watered!

National Picnic month was in July too. We had a picnic at the park with sandwhich’s, watermellon, homemade lemonade (from “make lemonade” day) and girl scout cookies. It was fun and relaxing. The perfect way to spend an early evening.

Ha! Ha! Headlines. The kids did so good with this. Even Scott and I got addicted. It was a fun game.

Write a letter to a friend or relative in another state. That was fun too. Each of the 3 oldest kids chose someone and wrote a letter. I guess mom and dad should have done it too.

Make a difference to a child month. I just love how all the older siblings LOVE to read to their younger siblings. We are blessed with a family of readers! I am so glad.

Some of the other things we did that either 1-I didn’t get a picture or 2-getting a picture really wouldn’t have worked:

-Lay on a blanket and do moon watching and star gazing
-How many stars can you count in a minute
-Bastille Day. We wore the French colors and learned French words
-Cow appreciation day…..we ate beef!!
-Mosquito Day. We got rid of all of our standing water
-Lemonade Day. The kids made TONS of lemonade.
-Make fruit juice ice trays. The kids did that too…..with the lemons!
-Vanilla ice cream topped with strawberries and blueberries
-Look at pictures on the internet of the local 4th of July parade
-Celebrate Amelia Earhart’s birthday. The girls both wrote reports about her. They weren’t too happy about this activity….

It was a fun month full of fun things to do. Alix was the big pusher for the events and I’m glad she was. At one point we were a little behind on our days and she called a meeting. She hung up signs and made assignments. It was very cute and very fun! She is such a good organizer. We are so lucky to have her in our family.

One Response to “Fun Filled days of July”

  1. Denita says:

    Shoulda’ ate chicken for cow appreciation day! Sounds like loads of fun! Was the for/incorporated into school? Or are you “off” school during the summer?