Sami's World


Milo Update

on June 30, 2009

Sorry I’ve been so silent. It’s been a crazy week, well month really!!

Milo has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus. In other words he has been collecting fluid on the brain and his ventriculs are bigger than they should be which is putting pressure on the brain. That is not good. So his neurosurgeon wanted to put a shunt in. I was VERY nervous about it and needed to do a lot of praying and quiet moments of meditation and talking to the doctor a lot and doing my reasearch and reading and and and……

I finally feel better about things. The doctor has been very patient and kind and taken the time we’ve needed to explain stuff to us.

Having said that, I will now say that Milo is under the knife. He went in about 7:40am this morning. He declined the loopy medicine and walked right into the OR along side his anesthesiologist and nurse. He was so brave. I can’t believe how grown up he is and how much he has matured since his first surgery 5 years ago. We’ve done a lot in these last five years and I’m sure we’ll do more in the next five.

We got word from his nurse, about 8:30am, that Milo had walked right in, got up on the table and breathed the sleepy gas. They said it took only one attempt to put in his IV and he seemed comfortable and not in pain. That was such a great phone call and I’m glad the nurse called. Sue is AWESOME!!

More later. We just got the call that he is done. That was FAST!!

2 Responses to “Milo Update”

  1. Denita says:

    Oh Sami. You are so brave! We will be praying for Milo and your family, but keep on with the updates. What is it like to have a shunt? Is there extra care (I assume so) and what does that entail?

  2. Camille says:

    That was fast! Go Milo, you are so brave! Glad to hear he is out of surgery and doing well. Let us know when and where we can come visit.