Sami's World


Almost there……

on June 25, 2009

Friday was pack up day. We went back and forth as to whether or not we should pack up but stick around and do another hike, or go to the lake, or have a bbq at the day use area. But after an hour of packing up, we realized we all needed to go home. So we packed it all up and headed home. The kids all feel asleep and had a good 45 minute snooze while we drove home (I drove REALLY slow!!). After getting home we unloaded. Washed 5 loads of laundry. Put everything away. Had dinner. Put kids to bed early and then started packing again.

[The kids LOVE Autie Sara]

We had decided to go to my mom’s on Saturday for our monthly trip. We got up early and packed the kids and stuff back in the car and got to Fresno about 9.

[Cute sisters]

We had an enjoyable day complete with snacks, cleaning, swimming, birthday’ing and visiting. We left by 7:30pm so that Scott and I could get our stuff together for Sunday.

[Fun presents of food. Just what Keri wanted]

[Yummy cake]

[Keri was trying to share!!]

We both had to teach. Usually I drive home but I was TOO tired. So Scott did most of the driving home while I slept. And then I went right to bed when we got home (I didn’t prepare because I remembered we were just going to work on our Father’s day gifts anyway!).

Sunday went well. We were all a little tired and a lot restless, but we made it through. Scott went home with the kids and I had a teacher’s meeting for primary. Came home and we just lazed around for the rest of the day. We all had an early night (good thing too!!!).

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