Sami's World


Still there?????

on June 19, 2009

I hope I haven’t lost too many of my faithful readers. It’s been so long since I’ve done a post there is so much to say. A lot of what Scott calls “stale news” is about to come your way so I hope you enjoy it anyway. I’ll post in segments each day so be looking for daily updates till I actually catch up.

Lets start with May!

May 18-23 I was suppose to make a trip to Utah for a wedding. I ended up canceling the trip for various reasons. So we stayed home and did more routine things. School, activity days (Jaime), P.E, Jaime’s last dance class, and bowling. It turned out to be a very fun and busy week even though we didn’t get to see our Utah friends.

Memorial day weekend was nice too. We spent Saturday morning doing all of our favorite chores….. We then went down to the cemetery and cleaned my grandpa’s grave while talking to the kids about freedom and the price some people pay for it. We ran a few errands and then had a bbq with our friends the Dalrymples. We enjoy their company so much and were glad they could come for hot dogs and hamburgers. We were up kinda late but it was still very fun. Sunday was relaxing and then Monday we went to my mom’s house. We enjoyed our first swim of the season at grandma’s. The kids really enjoy grandma’s house and all she has to offer and so I’m glad we are able to go once a month. We also celebrated mom and Sara’s birthday. Sara and I went out together in the evening for dinner, which was nice. It was fun to enjoy dinner with my sister but equally enjoyable to have some quiet time. We went to Black Angus. But this was an “old time” one. It was kinda dark, each table was separated from all the other tables by partitions and it was quiet (no loud music blaring in the background). Because we could only see and hear each other, it was such a nice dining experience. That is how a restaurant should be. All these loud, distracting restaurants make it difficult to carry on a conversation, but this was nice. I told Scott we’ll have to go one time when we visit my mom and leave the kids to play with grandma and Auntie Sara.

2 Responses to “Still there?????”

  1. Denita says:

    I was just beginning to wonder… but yes I am still here.

  2. Camille says:

    I know what you mean about the loud distracting restaurants- they need to turn their music down so you can actually enjoy a meal. It’s nice that you take the time to go see your Mom so often. I bet she loves your visits.