Sami's World


Long Break

on January 24, 2008

Guess I haven’t posted in a while. Lots has been going on and computerizing hasn’t been one of them. Here is the weeeeek (more than 7 days) in review…..

Monday January 14, was like any other “normal” day. I watched my day care kids. Did school, chores and began preparing for our trip.

Tuesday January 15 was much the same except we had the sister missionaries over for dinner. That was fun. We enjoy them very much.

Wednesday is when things really got crazy!! We spent the morning doing school and chores. By 11 we started packing for our trip. We broke for lunch at noon and then went right on packing. Scott got home about 1 and things really started to move. We left here about 3pm and after two errands we were on the road by 3:30pm. Our first stop was Fresno. We made it there by 6. We arrived to a great dinner of salad and pizza and root beer. After a really quick dinner we got the kids ready for a night with grandma and then Scott and I left. We had arranged to do a session at the Fresno temple. That was an amazing experience. It’s nice to visit different temples and enjoy the same spirit in all of them. After the session we did a Wal Mart trip for a few last minute necessities. After getting back to mom’s we put the rest of the kids to bed and then Sara and I went out while Scott worked on a wireless network for mom. Sara and I got home by midnight and we were all in bed sleeping by 1.

6:30 am came early the next morning but we needed all the time we could get so we could finish everything. We spent the morning getting dressed, having breakfast and doing a few things for mom. Then we had to get things packed up again. We were on the road again by 10:30 am. Not too bad. We had a 5 hour drive ahead of us. We made wonderful time till we hit L.A. It all stopped there, literally!! We got to the Hotel by 4. Everyone else was already there. What a WONDERFUL hotel. It was beautiful. We could have spent the day at the hotel just walking and doing all the fun things they had there. We started our fire by 4:30. It didn’t do too well, so I ran to the store for lighter fluid and charcoal. We had a blazing fire by 5:30pm. We were stuffing ourselves with hot dogs and marshmallows by 6. It was fun. The kids rolled up their pants and played in the sand and water and were thoroughly freezing by the time we were eating but they thought it was worth it. We took all the kids back to the hotel by 7:30 for baths and jammies. They were all VERY tired but too excited to sleep so we didn’t end up with sleeping kids till after 9. Scott was in bed by 10 and I was asleep by 11 (I was a little excited too!!)

Friday morning was an early morning too! We were up by 7 am and eating breakfast by 7:30. It was an easy breakfast of banana’s and cereal. We started right in on showers and doing hair. We were done with all the preparations by 9 am. We said goodbye to the bride and the grandparents and started to clean up the hotel. We left the hotel by 10 am and got to the temple just in time to see the grooms mom realize she forgot her temple recommend (sound familiar mom????). We had to wait a little longer but they got things worked out and the sealing went on as expected. It was a beautiful ceremony and we were glad we were there. The kids stayed outside with their cousins and apparently had a great time. As soon as we were done in the temple we went back outside and dressed our kids in their cute outfits and went to the area where we were to meet the bride and groom. The next two hours were spent taking pictures and trying to keep kids happy. We all headed over to a wonderful Mexican restaurant. All the little ones fell asleep on the way. I opted to stay in the car with our two little ones. After about 30 minutes Scott came back and said we should wake them up so they could eat and maybe sleep on the drive back to Brawley. After lunch, we all loaded up and headed to Brawley. We arrived there about 6:30. By 7:30 everyone else had arrived and headed over to the church to start the decorating. I stayed home and put kids to bed and kept Grandma Thompson company!! Grandma and I filled boxes with truffles, finished tying bows on the plastic ware and watched a really good movie. Scott got back to his parents house by 1:30 and we were asleep by 2 am.

Saturday morning I opted to stay home with all the kids so that more could get done at the church. I had my five kids and my three nephews. It seemed to be a productive day. The kids played computer games for a little while. Then they played outside for a while. Then we went for a walk to the farm down the street then to the park then back home. While we were at the park, Niah somehow got her foot trapped under a teeter totter and was not able to walk home, so I carried her on my back. As soon as we got home she was able to limp around. Her foot was mostly bruised and and sore no real damage. I fed all the kids lunch, then put Niah and Milo down for a nap. Afton had napped while we were at the park. One of my nephews got picked up and put down for a nap too. For the next two hours it was super quiet at the house. I almost felt guilty that everyone else was down at the church working and I was sitting in a house full of sleeping kids. Everyone came back by about 3:30pm. Then the hustle and bustle started. We all seemed to get ready though and down to the church by 5:45. The church was beautiful. They had done a great job. The reception started and ended awesome. We enjoyed every minute of it. The kids were pretty tired so they had a hard time getting into it, but once dinner was served and dancing started, we couldn’t stop them! We saw the couple off and were cleaned up and home by 10. It was another late night, but sooo worth it.

Sunday morning came early! We all lazily got up and ready but still managed to get to church on time. It was a good service and we enjoyed ourselves. The afternoon was spent eating yummy leftovers with the rest of the family before we said goodbye to everyone. The house was “quiet” by 4. We spent the evening putting things away and trying to put Scott’s parents house back in order. The kids got put to bed on time for the first time in 5 days. I think they enjoyed it. The adults tried to stay up and watch a movie. I had started coughing earlier in the day and by evening I wasn’t feeling so hot. I went off to bed early too.

Monday, January 21, I was ILL!! I wasn’t sure I could even travel. I didn’t want to eat and I just coughed and ached and had no energy. I tried to help pack but just felt worse by the minute. I took a really hot bath and that helped. I did all I could and then went back to bed. After a little bit of lunch, a blessing and a lot of faith we hit the road by 1:45. Scott started the drive but didn’t get too far before he was falling asleep. So I took over. I was able to drive all but the last two hours of the trip. The trip was mostly uneventful, just lots of traffic. Scott hit rain during the end of the trip.

Tuesday morning was my worst day. I tried to wake up, that didn’t work. Jaime got everyone milk and cereal and then started the T.V. I went upstairs and died. I came down about 11 and just couldn’t move. I was coughing so hard I was throwing up, my chest hurt, my body ached and my head was about to explode. I finally called Scott and asked him if he could come home for a while to at least feed the kids. He said he could. But they couldn’t wait that long. Jaime ended up making pancakes. When Scott got home I went upstairs again and died. I didn’t come back down till 4. It’s times like this I am thankful for movies!! My kids must have watched 10 of them during the course of the day. Scott was able to come home early. He fed the kids dinner and I died on my bed again.

Wednesday morning, things were better. I was still sick but I was back about 50%. I was able to at least get kids food, but they still watched a lot of movies and I did a lot of sleeping. By the afternoon Alix and Niah were sick too. I drugged them right away and they took a nap. We have been drinking LOTS of fluids and resting A LOT around here! I managed dinner and together Scott and I were able to get the kids bathed. Everyone seemed to get to bed on time, but it was a rough night around here. Especially for Scott since he got to bed VERY late because of work and then had to get up with sick kids because I was just too out of it to help.

So here we are today. Thursday, January 24. Alix and Niah seem better already. They are a little more quiet and lazy than usual, but definitely better than yesterday. Jaime is complaining of not feeling well, but it’s hard to tell with her if she is actually sick or just wanting to get in on the sick action. Milo is JUST fine and driving us all crazy because he is just bored. We were able to do chores this morning and put some order back into this house that has been in disarray for the last three days. I would say I’m back about 75% and feeling so GOOD!! It’s a good thing too. Tonight is the first night of classes for Scott and so it’s all me all day. I need to feel good today.

The trip was absolutely amazing. Torry was amazingly beautiful and happy. It was great to be a part of her special day. We are so happy for her and Kevin. We loved seeing everyone and building stronger relations with family members. Much love to all.

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