Sami's World


Forgotten News

on January 6, 2008

In that last news report you would have thought I got it all. But I did forget some exciting things going on around here!!

Afton is talking more and more. She woke up one morning, about a week ago, and went around asking “what’s this” over and over again. It’s VERY cute. She says shoes, diaper, drink, mom and dad. Then just yesterday she said “I’m silly” after doing some wild and crazy things. It’s fun to watch her learn and grow.

Niah is officially dressing herself. She is very much into the “I do it” stage. She went upstairs the other day and came down fully dressed, including socks and shoes (I had to tie the shoes). It is fun to watch her learn and grow too.

For about 6 months now Milo has asked to ride a bike without training wheels. We’d bring out the bike but then he’d change his mind. So about two weeks ago he asked again and Jaime offered to help him. I guess they were out there for a few minutes and then he was done. So on Wednesday, January 2, he asked again. I had him get on the bike and put his feet on the ground and practice balancing. That kept him busy for a while so I went inside and did school with the girls and other stuff. While I was making lunch I heard all the kids in the backyard cheering for Milo. He learned how to ride a bike. Within an hour he was riding down to the end of the street and turning around all by himself. It was AWESOME. He loves it and enjoys his new found talent.

Jaime and Alix have been WAY too busy with school and chores to have any new things to report!! They are all caught up in school though (just in time to go to Auntie Torry’s wedding and miss a week of school! We will cope, I’m sure).



I guess we’d make Grandpa Sutherland proud…..

After 5 hours, 4 negotiations and 1 McDonald’s dinner later, we bought Scott a new commuter car. We got a 2005 Ford Focus with 13,000 miles on it. 4 door, standard with no frills. It fits our needs perfectly. Once again, we were able to walk in, tell the guy what we were willing to pay and they came within dollars of our offer, so we took it. However, it was a super busy night for them and the kids were already starting to get antsy so our sales guy went out and bought dinner at McDonald’s for us. The kids thought they were in Heaven. To appease us they pretty much let the kids run wild. We tried to control them but after awhile we just gave up. 5 hours in a dealership is just too long for little ones. But it was fun and all the sales people found them quite cute and no one seemed annoyed at all, they actually encouraged all the running around and wildness.

Anyway, we have again been very blessed by the hand of the Lord. He knew we needed a car and he provided it for us. We are truly blessed. We love you all. Thanks for all the love and support you give us.

One Response to “Forgotten News”

  1. Denita says:

    Nina got a bike for Christmas (with training wheels) and she too is just loving the big kid freedom riding around the street. I can just imagine Milo, I can’t believe he will be 5 in a couple months!! I am happy for you that you were able to get a new car! I bet things will be much smoother now transportation-wise. Good luck with that big appointment for Milo in San Fran this week (I think). PS. You have to find a way to share photos…maybe a blogspot blog just for pictures?? We miss you guys!!