Sami's World


Did you know……

on May 12, 2009

Did you know that today is the 2nd Tuesday? Ok, how many knew that???? Not many I bet. Well I do. Let me explain.

So Milo had a doctor’s appointment in Oakland today. Ever since Milo’s first surgery, I vowed never to pay parking fees again. I found certain places on the street you could park and then walk to the building. That is where I always park and I feel pretty good about all the money I’m saving by parking on the street. Well, as you can imagine, it’s hard to get into that free parking and I’m finding more and more of it each time I go. Fortunately for me, I found this one side street a few appointments ago that I can usually squeeze into. So today I headed for that side street. When I got there, I was greeted with a great surprise, there was PLENTY of parking (should have been my first clue). I noted the “No parking on the 2nd Tuesday” sign. Made a mental note that it was Wednesday and I was good to park. My lucky day. I even got a spot in the shade!

Upon returning to the car, we all got in and headed for the freeway. As soon as I got going I noticed a paper stuck in my windshield. I almost ignored it but didn’t want to be a litter bug on the freeway as it would probably fall off. So I pulled over grabbed it real quick and got back in the car. In case you haven’t guessed yet, yep, it was a parking ticket. At this point I was still confused as to why I got a parking ticket. It wasn’t a red zone, no fire hydrant, I wasn’t illegally parked. Then I read the reason “no parking on the 2nd Tuesday”. But this is Wedne……oh CRAP, it’s Tuesday! And the 2nd Tuesday none the less! All I could do was laugh. Well, first I called Scott and he laughed at me and that made it easier to laugh at myself.

The funniest part of the whole thing was that I made note of the sign, made my mental note of it being Wednesday and thought nothing more of it. I really need to get my mind back. It’s driving me nuts!

Well Oakland, here’s all your parking fees in one lump sum! Here’s to saving!!

3 Responses to “Did you know……”

  1. Mande says:

    Ugh that sucks! :)

  2. Laura says:

    Oh, we did that in SF once. We thought we were being so great going to see the blue angels on Friday instead of the busy crazy Saturday. We drove up to the warf and there was tons of street parking. We were amazed but chalked it up to it being 3pm on a Friday. We checked the sign, it side paid meter parking from 7am to 3pm. It was 3:05 so we thought we totally lucked out. Then after the air show we went to get our car but couldn’t find it. then we read the rest of the sign. In fine print it read NO parking from 3pm-7am! We had to walk 3 blocks (me pregnant with Ryan) to get to the impound. They had towed the car. And then we had to pay the $450 impound fee. Ouch. And we felt so good about doing such a cheap familiy activity in the city.

  3. jill says:

    who the heck decided THAT? probably a bunch of bored executives sitting around a table who randomly said, “let’s make it illegal to park here on… what day? what day? the 2nd tuesday! yeah!” how annoying! glad you could laugh about it! i probably would have been on the phone yelling at someone. hehe! not really. but i would have wanted to.