So as mother’s day approached I thought of all the wonderful time I’d spend without my children. Doing none of the things I “hate” to do and let Scott do them for a day. I’d spend the day napping and lounging on the couch while my husband and children waited on me hand and foot…….
Saturday night the sun and moon and stars must have all been aligned VERY wrong and it was taking it’s toll on the Thompson household. As Scott and I settled down to sleep at a very early hour, 10:26pm, I was dreaming of all the wonderful sleep I’d get and how great I’d feel in the morning. That dream lasted all of about 2 minutes when the first kid woke up. I’m pretty sure they planned this down to a T because they all got up at some point during the night, only allowing me a brief 20 minute siesta till the next one was up. Around 2 am when Afton had proclaimed it morning and was screaming bloody murder as I put her back in her crib, I was getting a little frustrated. Such thoughts as “why me” and “shoot me now” went through my mind.
However, at that early hour of the morning, having had only about 60 minutes of sleep, the Lord whispered to my soul. He reminded me that this is what motherhood is. Sacrifice, love, patience, nurturing, and deep love no matter the hour. At that moment I felt more love for my children than I ever have at 2 am. The rest of the morning went much nicer having that comfort, that peace, that “all would be fine” feeling and realizing that I’d have plenty of Mother’s days and nights before Mother’s day, to sleep soundly and peacefully the whole night through.
I love my children. I love my calling as a mother. And I love my Heavenly Father who took the time to speak to a frustrated mother at 2 am and change my whole perspective on life.
Love it! Thanks for sharing that. I will try really hard to remember when the new baby gets here.