Sami's World


Fruits and Veggies here we Come…..

on May 9, 2009

[Thanks missionaries for moving LOTS of rocks in a little amount of time]

We decided to change our garden spot this year. Our old garden spot does not receive much sunlight and the soil didn’t seem that good. So we asked our owner if we could clear away the rock pile and plant there. He was fine with it. What a whole lot of work that was! We didn’t get the whole thing cleared, we’ll work on it a little at a time.

[That is quite the pile of rocks.]

We got enough cleared to have a decent garden. After clearing all the rocks away, it still took us a week to finally turn the soil and get some plants planted.

But we finally got our garden planted. It took us about 10 days to do it. We usually will plant all in one day, but we’ve been so busy we’ve only had enough time to plant a couple plants each day. We still have space for a few more plants and so we need to get those in before it really is too late for anything to grow. We have peas, green beans, 5 different squash plants, 4 different tomato plants, watermelon, cantaloupe, radishes, carrots and cucumber. Our provident living specialist loves to grow things and she had a lot of starters left over that she could not plant. So all of our plants and seeds were given to us (Thanks Carolyn). This garden is definitely provided for us by the Lord! We hope and pray each day this garden is successful. We will have veggies in abundance if it is and that will help with the budget! I’ll have to take some pictures of our wonderful garden in it’s different stages.

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