Well, my attempt to write a weekly update took back burner yesterday because we were putting together our Christmas letter and addressing envelopes. But I am up this morning with the determination to not break my goal.
Last week was my busy week. I enjoyed Monday very much because I had nothing planned or scheduled. We just stayed home and did school and chores and played here. After Scott got home we went out and delivered 13 tea rings to families in our ward. We focused mostly on the old and widowed. We delivered the treat and sang a couple of Christmas carols. It was really fun for us.
Tuesday Jaime and Alix had their first dentist appointment. They did really well. Alix didn’t care at all, Jaime was a nervous wreck. Both girls have amazing teeth and the dentist said to keep doing what we are doing. We spent the rest of the day doing school and chores.
Wednesday Alix had an appointment in the afternoon. We spent the morning doing chores and school. Then we went to the appointment. It was a dermatology appointment. Alix has had some toenail fungus that has been giving her the fits for about 3 years now. They can’t seem to get rid of it. I guess we are going to try something else starting today. We shall see what happens.
Thursday Milo had a CT scan done in preparation for his upcoming appointment in January. Scott decided to take half day and go with him. I had already used up two of my babysitters and was going to use another one on Friday, so Scott took off. Scott says that Milo did great. They tried doing it without sedation and Milo was awesome. He laid right down on the table and didn’t move a muscle. They got the pictures they needed and he was off the table in no time. What a great kid! It just gives me confidence that he’ll do great with his surgery this coming year. Since Scott didn’t get to work till noon he worked till 9. It was kinda sad not seeing dad in the evening but it was necessary. I’m glad that is not an everyday occurrence! He made it home safely and went to bed.
Friday the girls had a field trip to Color Me Mine. It’s a ceramic place that you can go and color your own thing and then they fire it for you and it’s all nice and smooth and easy to use or display (depending on what you decided to paint). Anyway, in the morning I watched my friends kids while she went to an appointment, then she watched mine while Jaime and Alix went on the field trip. It was super fun. Alix painted a Santa clause and Jaime painted a Santa bear. After picking up the kids we met another friend at the park and played till almost 5. We then came home and made dinner and then did the going to bed stuff. Oh ya, we did pick up Scott too, he had dinner with us!
Saturday started out early. We had breakfast and then Scott was out the door to fix someone’s computer. He got home in enough time for lunch and helping to get the kids ready. We left the house about 1 and went to Audrey’s house and she took our family pictures for us. I think she did a good job, but that time of day is not good for outside pictures. I think they came out too sunny. We got a good one of just the kids and so we are going to send that out as our “family” picture and she’ll redo our family one sometime after the holidays. After taking up an hour of her afternoon, we loaded in the car and headed to Brentwood for our annual Christmas Eve dinner with my friend Erika and her family. I know what you are thinking, ‘it’s not Christmas Eve’. Well this year they are going to visit her family in Hawaii and be gone for Christmas Eve and so we had it early. Now we aren’t quite sure what we are going to do for Christmas Eve!! Anyway, it was TONS of fun. We had a wonderful dinner of homemade pasta and bread and salad. We brought cheesecake (which came out awesome) and peach cobbler (which came out questionable) for dessert. After dinner, desert and clean up, they built a fire outside and we went out there and talked by the fire while the kids ran back and forth between playing and warming up by the fire. We left about 9:30 pm. It was a late night but very fun and the kids had a great time.
Sunday morning was not as crazy as I thought it was going to be with such a late night. We made it to church on time, I got the primary room set up and sat down before the meeting started. However, the kids were not happy to sit there. I ended up taking Afton and Niah to the mothers room so they could throw their fits in there and not disturb anyone else. They finally both calmed down enough to sit in the foyer and be somewhat well behaved. They just couldn’t take sitting in the Sacrament room. But whatever works. The rest of church seemed to go without mishap and we made it home and ate leftovers from the night before. We spent the afternoon creating the yearly family letter and picking the picture we wanted to use for it. The kids just played and did crafts and whatever else. We watched a short Christmas movie then had more left overs before putting little ones to bed. They were happy to go. They were very tired from the night before and the long day. Jaime and Alix went to bed late because we let them stay up and help us with the yearly letter. It was a fun time for all of us. Scott and I finally retired sometime after 11.
Here it is Monday morning. The kids are just starting to wake up and so I better say goodbye. It has been fun hearing from many of you already this Christmas season, we hope to hear from you all and you should be hearing from us very soon. Our letter should be out by Friday (we hope!!). Much love.
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