Whoa, double digits! It might be taking a while to post about our trip, but it was so fun and in 10 years from now I don’t want to forget a single thing!! That is why I must back track. I realized that I didn’t post a single thing about going to Elder Thackery’s family’s house. Read the rest of this entry »
Utah Fun #9
July 4. The day we had all been waiting for. The reason for this whole trip. July 4. A fabulous holiday spent with fabulous people doing amazing things. Best of all is the reason we celebrate the 4 of July. Our freedom. Our freedom to live in a country free of persecution. To live in a country where we can worship as we please. To live in a country where my children can safely play on the streets. I love this country and I love my God who gave this wonderful blessing to us. God bless America!! Read the rest of this entry »