Well, it’s been too long since I have updated you all and so this entry will be too long too!! :0)
Monday December 17, Niah had her 3 year check up. She passed the test with flying colors and was sent to get blood work done and immunizations. I also had to find out Alix’s test results and find out if they wanted her to start taking medication for her toenail fungus. Niah’s appointment was at 9:45 and we left Kaiser at 12:30. It was a LONG morning. Then, since I was out, I ran a TON of errands and finally ended up back home at 2. The rest of the day was low key. We did a little bit of school, chores, dinner and FHE.
Tuesday was catch up day for Monday. We did LOTS of school and LOTS of chores.
Wednesday I babysat a little boy for the first half of the day and then just normal routine the second half.
Thursday was piano and Jaime practiced for her song she was singing in the Stake Christmas Fireside. While she was doing that I ran a couple of errands and then picked up Jaime and ran a few more. We ended the day with school and chores.
Friday I was hosting a baby shower. After a crazy morning we had a fun shower. Then I had to pick up my daycare kids early because school let out early. We went to the park after that and just played till their dad came and picked them up. Then we ended up staying at the park for another couple of hours before finally coming home and getting dinner ready. That night I had to go pick up bread. The stake is in with a local bakery and every Friday night someone goes and picks up the bread they would have just thrown away. We are then responsible for making sure it goes to people who could really use it. A good friend of mine was in the rotation but she is having a baby in a couple of weeks and so I am taking her place till she is up for it again. Friday was my first time picking up. There was a ton!! At least 20 whole loafs, another 10 already sliced loafs, 20 dozen bagels, pasteries, bagets,….. It was amazing and our car and house smelled heavenly!
Saturday, December 22 was Scott’s first official day off of work for Christmas. I gently reminded him that it was a vacation from Google, not home….. We spent the morning separating the breads into individual packs for easy delivery. Then I gated myself upstairs for two hours while I made some sense of the confusion up there (in other words, I CLEANED like a mad woman!!). At 11:50 I left to meet the sister missionaries. They were teaching a lesson to a young man and needed one more woman there, I was the lucky candidate. It was an enjoyable time and I think I was a little forward on a few of his questions. He still came to church the next day though…… After that I made a few bread deliveries and then came home. I spent another hour upstairs finishing up my job and then we all got dressed and ready to go. We spent the next two hours delivering bread to all kinds of people and really enjoying it. We got home in enough time to find some hot potstickers on the door step from Rachel Tan and family as a birthday present for me. YUMMM!! The night ended with me going shopping for last minute things.
Sunday December 23, my birthday. The kids really wanted to do breakfast in bed, but Sunday mornings make that really difficult. So they all just gave me big hugs and kisses and told me happy birthday. I spent the next 3 hours at church getting teased about hitting the big three ohhh. We left church and I got to have a nap while Scott tended the kids. Then another sweet friend, Jen Hansen, brought dinner over. She said no one should have to cook on their birthday. It was very kind of her. Ironically enough when she brought it we were out the door to go to a dinner invite at the Dertings. So we put her dinner in the fridge and headed out. It was a yummy dinner, as usual, and then Joey and Jaime left to go practice early for their performances. The little kids were too wiped out to attend, so Scott stayed with them at Joey and Gayle’s while Gayle, Alix and I went to watch the performances. Jaime did AWESOME!! It was her first real singing performance and she did great. She practiced hard and you could tell. She was sitting up toward the front and after everything was over she came to where I was sitting and she was in tears. I asked her what was wrong, through her sobs she said that the music just touched her heart so much. It made her think about how much I loved her and she just couldn’t help but cry. It was a sweet moment, one I shall never forget and I hope she does not either. After that we went back to Joey and Gayle’s and enjoyed birthday sundae’s and a couple of movies. We made it home by 2:30 am and CRASHED!!
Monday was a late morning. We spent it cleaning up and getting ready for the Sister Missionaries to come for lunch. We had planned to spend the evening at the temple seeing the lights and enjoying the spirit. We served my birthday dinner to the missionaries, so I didn’t have to cook!! After they left we put Afton down for a nap, did some quick clean up and left for errands after Afton woke up. Around Friday Afton started not feeling well, then Niah and by Monday Alix didn’t feel good either. They all had a pretty bad cough and runny noses. So we opted out of going to the temple. It’s pretty cold up there and we didn’t think the night air would be good for them. So we ran a few last minutes errands before Christmas morning and then came home. We got the kids to bed early and then we did some cleaning, because Santa can’t come to a dirty house. After much preparations, we finally retired around 11. Not bad…..
Christmas morning was a delight for all! Niah was the first up, followed by Jaime and Alix. It was about 7:30 so we started the Joy to The World movie to help the kids be patient and to help them remember the true meaning of Christmas. After all the kids were awake and the movie was over we read Luke 2 and had family prayer. Finally Scott went down to see if Santa had come. Sure enough he had and all the kids ran down stairs. It was a really fun time for everyone (except Afton who was still sick and thought this whole present opening thing was boring). After a good two hours of presents and stockings Afton went down for her nap and the rest of us played and enjoyed time together. About noon we started cleaning up and preparing Christmas dinner. We invited another family over, the Salcido’s, and ate about 4:30. They were very fun to spend Christmas afternoon with. They left by 7 and we put our kids to bed. All in all a very successful day.
With Scott home I really put him to work in helping me get school done with the girls each day and even do some catch up. So Wednesday, we were back to the daily grind. We both would work with them and that makes it easy to get a lot done. We did chores and just got ourselves back to reality really quick! In the early evening Scott went out to run a couple of errands and look at some cars. We are trying to add another car to our family, but we are finding it very difficult. We hope to get one before January 9 (when we have to drive into S.F. for Milo’s appointment) but so far things are looking quite grim…. By the time Scott got home all kids were fed, bathed and half in bed!
Thursday, December 27, was a hard day. We all missed dad and found it hard to go at life on our own!! We somehow managed though and I even had dinner on the table before he walked in the door…..
Friday Scott got up early and got to work 2 hours early so he could leave two hours early. That worked out great. When he got home he went right to bbq’ing, in the rain!! We have had such beautiful weather that we planned a bbq. But of course it rained the night we decided to do it, and we had to so the meat would not spoil. Oh well, he seemed to enjoy it!! After a very yummy dinner, Scott stayed home to put the little ones to bed and I took Jaime and Alix out for a date. Originally we were going to go as a family but the little kids are still just feeling icky and were not in any position to go out in the cold and rain. So Jaime and Alix and I went for ice cream, yummy, and then we went to Target. Jaime was given some shoes that did not fit her and that she just didn’t need and so she was allowed to use the money how she wanted. She had $11. So she ended up buying some new warm p.j.’s(which she does need) and some snacks at the snack bar (a pretzel and an icee). Alix got some new p.j.’s too because she didn’t have any warm ones. She was just wearing her regular clothes to bed because they were warm. We got some really good deals, all the Christmas p.j.’s were half price. That was good! We got home around 9:30. The girls showed off their new p.j.’s to dad and then were off to bed. Scott and I were close behind.
Here it is Saturday late morning. The kids are still running around in p.j.’s, Scott is at the temple and I’m typing like mad on the computer. We love you all and enjoyed Christmas very much. Thanks to each of you for making it super special. We are now getting ready for the new year and all the wonderful things that will be happening in January. Our love goes out to you all.