Sunday May 25 was a nice day. We spent the day at church trying to keep our overly exhausted kids semi-happy and reverent. After church we ALL slept (well, except Jaime, she never takes naps). We got up in enough time to get everyone ready to go and head over to Joey and Gayles for a fun bbq. We ate YUMMY food (as always), watched a few VERY fun movies and got home at 1am. While we were there, everyone helped sing Happy Birthday to grandma Ackerman and then everyone took a turn talking to her. I think we kept her on the phone close to two hours!! It was fun though. I hope she enjoyed it as much as we did.
Monday May 26, Milo had an eye dr appointment at 9:30. So it was an early morning. We had to wake him up to get him ready for his appointment. It was nice that it was a holiday, no traffic!! The appointment went really fast. Yes his eyes need protection. No there are no glasses that he can use till his face surgery is done. His eyes have not gotten better but haven’t gotten worse either. He should have his face surgery ASAP so his eyes can get more protection. We were gone in about 10 minutes. We made it home in time for us to help finish up the household chores. Scott was a busy little bee and did 4 things on his “before the baby is born to do listâ€. The biggest and best one being that he installed a ceiling fan in the dinning room so we can eat dinner in a more comfortable atmosphere during the hot summer evenings. After that we got everyone ready to go and went to Grandpa’s grave. Someone had been there before us and put flowers on his grave, it was very nice. We talked about grandpa and his life and explained Memorial day and it’s importance to the kids. Niah was pretty miffed through the whole experience because she couldn’t actually see grandpa and wanted to dig up the grave to see him. She also thinks Grandpa Thompson is dead. Sorry Grandpa Thompson, I think we will go through this with all the kids. It will be good that she will see you in a week. After that we came home and had left overs and got all the kids to bed early. We even went to bed early!
Tuesday was back to normal. We spent the morning cleaning and getting ready for Jaime and Alix’s teacher to come for the final meeting before the official end of school. It was nice to turn everything in and be done according to the state. After that we did do some more school and then spent the rest of the day relaxing (I really needed a nap!). After dinner, baths and bed, I was pretty wiped out. I was ready to go to bed. But instead I stayed up and tried to finish some primary stuff. I finished a lot, but not all of it.
Wednesday, we went to P.E. in the morning and that was fun. The kids enjoy playing with the other kids and its fun for me to talk with the other moms. After we got home we did some school, chores and then prepared for daddy to come home. It was a very low key night. I like those.
Thursday, May 29 we spent the morning doing all our school and chores. At 2:30 we left and mailed a bunch of stuff at the post office and then went to Jaime’s piano class. I dropped the kids off at a babysitters house then went to a dr appointment. I’m sure you all know how that went. I picked up the kids and made it home in enough time to get dinner on the table before Scott walked in. We had a nice family dinner, then bed time and then I went to a primary meeting. While I was gone, Scott made cookie dough for me so that all I had to do was back the cookies the next day. I came home with a nice long list of things that I needed to get done before Sunday. I went straight to bed and was glad of it!
Friday, was my “busy†day. I woke up sure I either had the flu or I was in labor. That has never happened to me before. Usually when I’m in labor I know that is what it is. This was hard to tell. I spent the first hours of the morning just miserable, but I had to bake the cookies for that evening. Once those were done I sent the kids upstairs to watch a movie while I napped on the couch. I didn’t have much time because I was watching someone else’s kid for them and I didn’t want to have to cancel on her. So after I slept for about an hour, she showed up. I felt a little better but not great. Finally my body decided I needed to go get sick in the bathroom and as soon as I was done with that, I felt GREAT!! I called and told Scott about it and he said, ‘It was probably the two pounds of cherries you ate yesterday.’ I think he was right! I’ve been totally fine every since! I think I’ll stay away from cherries for a while. The afternoon went smooth. The kids all played well together and enjoyed having Maya over. After lunch we had a quiet time and I snuk in another 40 minute nap on the couch. Then Sister Powell came over and I watched her two little kids while she went to an appointment. We played for about another hour, cleaned up and I loaded everyone in the van. We went to the park and enjoyed our usual park play day. Sister Powell picked up her kids from the park and after we were all done, I took Maya home. Scott met me at the park and took Jaime and Alix to Milo’s sports class. I took Niah and Afton with me and we had a quick dinner of cereal and then we went to the church for a going away. Brother Eyre in our ward has been called as a mission president in Canada and they leave in a couple of weeks. It will be sad to see them go, but we are excited for them. We took the cookies I made with us and someone else’s veggie tray and enjoyed seeing the ward members and having the kids play a little more. Scott had to bail on me because there were problems at work and he was going over to a members home to help them finish the inside of the house they were moving into. The Fa’anunu’s are renting a house that needs a lot of work. The owner was willing to rent to them cheap if they did all the work. So anyway, Scott went to help. After all the kids were in bed I watch a movie and then retired myself, for I was VERY tired too.
Saturday, May 31, was suppose to be our super clean day to get ready for the baby’s arrival. Everyone else did really well, but I just don’t last that long anymore. We got everything pretty much cleaned but we didn’t put up the baby’s bed, or get the hospital bag packed. O’well, there is always this week. About 10 am Scott was looking out the window and noticed the back passenger side tire was flat. He went out and realized there was a screw in the tire. Lucky for us we had a spare and he was able to change the tire. Also, lucky for us we paid an extra $15 to have all our tires repaired or replaced for free for the life of the tire. So Monday, I will be taking the tire in and having them fix/replace it. At noon Scott headed over to the Fa’anunu’s once again and this time helped them actually move. They used our van, one other van and a truck. I guess it went well but Scott had to bail by 3 and he said they still weren’t done. We got everyone ready to go and left the house about 4:30. We were suppose to meet Joey and Gayle at a Greek Festival at 3pm. We were running seriously behind. But they were very amiable about it and that made it easier. We called Auntie Sara and sang her happy birthday and then each of the kids talked to her while we drove to the Greek Festival. The festival was fun. Too pricey but we got in for free and that was nice (someone had given Gayle a ton of free tickets). It was fun to watch the dancing and try some of the food. The kids had a great time too. We got home about 8:30 and everyone was in bed by 9. I had to do the rest of my primary duties and didn’t make it up to bed till 11:15pm. It was late but that’s ok, I knew I was done with my primary stuff.
Today, Sunday June 1 we all got up late. Afton has been our alarm clock, up at 6 (or before) no problem. But she did not wake us up today. At 7 Jaime walks in and asks why everyone is still sleeping and are we going to church today. She was so good and got in the shower first while her parents dragged themselves out of bed. We showered everyone and got them all dressed and breakfast eaten and out the door to church by 8:30am! We were so pleased with ourselves. We got all the primary stuff done and my copies made and sitting in Sacrament by 8:50. Church went really smooth today and for that I am grateful. We are all now home having quiet time. The three littlest are sleeping, Jaime and Alix and Scott are reading and I’m tapping away at the computer. How sweet the silence is! The rest of today is low key with nothing scheduled but family time.
We’ve learned this week how children really do associate things to every day life. For instance, Scott shaved earlier in the week. When he came down stairs, Niah snuggled into him and then looked up and said ‘Daddy, you smell good! Is today Sunday?’ We just rolled with laughter.
Jaime saw Dad’s jean jacket on the couch, he had taken it the night before when he was helping fix up the house. She said ‘Did dad go fishing?’ He always takes his jacket with him fishing. It’s the little things like this that the children will remember when they are old and have grandchildren.
In primary today during closing exercises they were talking about Nephi, Lamen and Lemuel going back to get the plates. Sister Bennett was telling them about the three brother’s getting chased out of the city by Lamen. She asked the question, ‘what would you do.’ All the kids just sat there and then Milo shoots up his hand (I’m not sure she was actually looking for an answer). Milo says, ‘You know what I would do? I’d go right back in there and chop his head off.’ It was so funny the way he said it and how true to the story it was. He’s such a good kid and not afraid of anything, especially bad guys!
Other than that, things here are status quo. Just living life and waiting for things to slow down a bit so the baby can be born. The kids are so excited about the baby, about Grandma and Grandpa Thompson coming and about Jaime’s dance recital. So many fun things happening all at once, they are having a hard time containing their excitement. I’m so blessed with such wonderful children. I’m glad they are part of my life and I’m so glad that they are strong in the gospel. I hope and pray that we can always be the loving, patient parents they deserve.
We miss you all. Much love to all of you!