It’s been way too long since I have updated anyone on our life and happenings.
I left off on Monday June 16. The 17-19 were spent getting used to the baby! Scott took the week off and he became Mr. Mom. He did a great job and I butted in every once in a while to put in my two cents, but mostly I just took care of Keri and Scott took care of the rest of the gang. It was a warm week and so we spent a lot time trying to stay cool. Lots of water activities and staying inside.
Friday June 20 we decided it was time for our first family outing. I planned the perfect afternoon with a time table. Not sure what I was thinking, new borns don’t do time tables very well. We were suppose to leave at three. Keri woke up at three and wanted the works. So we changed fed, changed, fed and finally left by 3:30. We had some extra chuck-e-cheese tokens and so we went and used those up first. The kids had a great time for an hour. We then walked across the parking lot to Chevy’s. The kids were awesome and we enjoyed a nice dinner. We were suppose to be at Milo’s last sports class by 6pm but didn’t arrive till 6:20pm. He still was able to have fun and participate in a game of soccer. He scored the first goal and was really good about getting in the crowd and trying to kick the ball. It was such a warm evening that we stayed and played at the park. We left at 8pm and headed home. We put the kids to bed and sighed with satisfaction that our first family outing went so well! Keri did eat once while at chuck-e-cheese but slept the rest of the time. What a gem!!
Saturday and Sunday were both very low key and easy. Scott took four kids to church with him and Afton and Keri and I stayed home. It was fun to play with Afton one on one and boy was it quiet!!
Sunday evening after all the kids were in bed, Scott and I were discussing how the last week went and how the kids seemed to need more that what we had done and on and on. I thought about it all night and Monday morning, June 23, I woke Scott up at 6:30am and informed him that if we wanted to accomplish something wonderful that week we should replace the downstairs flooring like we have been wanting to do. He looked at me like I was an idiot. I told him all my reasons why and finally he agreed. We had breakfast, our morning devotional and then we told the kids our plan. Monday would be rip up day, Tuesday and Wednesday new floor day and Thursday & Friday clean up day. They were all VERY excited and jumped right in to help. The first thing to do was to move all the furniture. So we used kids’ rooms and the garage and the play room to move all our books, computers, furniture etc
Monday went as planned. We even did a little more than expected. Tuesday started out great. We had to clear all the flooring of nails and other debris so we could lay the new sub flooring. Unfortunately that took a little longer than we had expected it too. We got a little bit of sub flooring laid and then we had to be done for the night. Wednesday was VERY slow. It took longer than expected to lay the sub flooring and we barely finished before it was too dark to continue. That was ok, we could have the flooring done by Thursday late afternoon and still start moving furniture back. Nope!! By Thursday morning we had all lost enthusiasm for the project! Keri decided to have a rough day that day. The other kids were all done being ignored (at this point there wasn’t much for them to help with anymore) and we had to go to Home Depot 4 times before 11 am because we kept forgetting that one thing! Needless to say, Scott got ditched and ended up finishing the project all by himself while I took care of the kids. Lucky for us Google is so generous with their employees and we were able to eat out every night for dinner. We had cereal every morning on the picnic tables outside. The kids said they felt like they were camping!! :0)
We started moving in furniture Saturday afternoon. We did enough to have a table and a couch. Sunday we moved a bit more. We’ve been slowly moving things in and it has been slow!! But it looks GREAT in here. Scott did an AWESOME job. We are grateful for such a great owner and I am grateful for such a great husband who is willing to take on these silly projects of mine. The next project…..the backyard!!
Besides the floor project we have done a few other things.
On Saturday June 28 we went to a wedding reception for Robyn Hutchings (no longer Hutchings). It was fun to see their family again and see how much they have grown and changed.
On Sunday I decided to go back to church. Because of the principle of the matter, I stay away from church for at least 4 Sundays, but I feel so good and am doing so well, I couldn’t see any reason why I should stay away. Keri is doing really well too and she slept the whole time so no one touched her or asked to hold her so I didn’t have to worry about germs or anything. It worked out very well.
Monday June 30 Keri had her 2 week appointment. That seemed to go well. She is a happy healthy baby. She now weighs 11 pounds 3 ounces. They still have her height at 22.5 inches. Her head grew an inch and is now 15 inches. She is in the 98% for all her stats. I’m sure she’ll even out eventually, all my girls do. Monday was also my first day ALONE!! I think it went ok, I guess you’d have to ask the kids! We worked on the house a little bit but mostly we just tried to get a routine going that involved Keri too.
Tuesday July 1 was a fun day. My friend Erika from Brentwood came to visit in the morning. They got here about 10 am and stayed till 1. That was fun and helped to fill the morning. Then my friend Li-Li came over at 3 and we made egg rolls together. That was fun and YUMMY!! Since it was kinda late it served as our dinner which was AWESOME! No cooking for me! Yay!
Today, Wednesday July 2 I was suppose to go to an appointment for Milo in Oakland. It was just a routine speech appointment. They just want to reevaluate him every year to make sure he is still progressing. I got a call about 2 hours before the appointment telling me that it was “canceled and by the way we will no longer be seeing Milo here. The craniofacial team has been eliminated from Oakland Children’s hospital. Goodbye and it was nice to know you.†Well, that’s not what they said exactly but pretty much. I guess if he “qualifies†he’ll be recommended to a new team in San Francisco, or Stanford, or somewhere, otherwise we are on our own. We have to wait for some letter to come in the mail before we’ll know for sure what’s in Milo’s future. So for now we just live life and wait for the letter to see what our next step is. We’ve always said that part of our desire to stay in this area and keep Milo’s insurance as it is is because we liked his craniofacial team so much. I guess we are being forced into change. I’m sure there is something better out there for Milo and we will need to find it.
Things seem to be going well. The kids seem to be adjusting well to our new life. I’m hoping to get more done around here and get more motivated to start doing some outings. The weather is so beautiful. The kids do spend a lot of time outside riding bikes and walking and playing with our neighbors.
Guess that’s all for now. Much love to all and we hope you all are doing well too!