Here is Keri at 7 weeks. She is so fun. She loves to babble and smile and coo. We love her so much.
Beach’s are so FUN
Sunday August 10, was a good day. Church went well. Afton is NOT liking nursery at all and the nursery leaders don’t like to hear her cry and so they brought her to me today. Read the rest of this entry »
Great Neighborhood
Friday morning Laura called me and asked if I wanted to swim. Her son was feeling better and so we went. I hadn’t seen Laura by myself for so long it was nice to get together with just her. Read the rest of this entry »
More Fun
I forgot to mention that on Tuesday, August 5, I invited a couple of friends over to help me with my apple harvest! Our apples aren’t quite ripe yet but they have been falling off the tree and have worms in them. Read the rest of this entry »
Fun Neighborhood
Monday August 4, I woke up feeling pretty good. Still had a runny nose, but the body aches and headache seemed to have subsided. I officially started school with the kids. Read the rest of this entry »
Google is Awesome!!
Friday August 1 was THE DAY we had all been waiting for for weeks. It was the Google family picnic! Our memories from last year made us even more excited for this years party. Read the rest of this entry »
Help Define Marriage
All campaigns need money.
Visit and donate what you can to the cause of protecting marriage.
Define Marriage
I am sure you are aware that the California Marriage Amendment,
Proposition 8, qualified for the November ballot. This amendment
will amend the state constitution to solidly define marriage as being
between one man and one woman. Read the rest of this entry »