Worth the time
Great informational video. It’s worth watching.
Kids are just Awesome!!
Thursday was another successful school day. I think we are finally back into the groove of school and no more slacking will be going on around here! About noon Camille dropped Toby and Logan off to play. That was fun and everyone enjoyed it. Read the rest of this entry »
In Retrospect….
In retrospect I realize that I have taken the wrong approach to Proposition 8. Proposition 8 is not about whether homosexuality is right or wrong. I believe it is wrong, I will teach my children it is wrong and I will tell people that I meet that it is wrong. But that is not what Proposition 8 is about. Read the rest of this entry »
Lay in bed, what’s that?
Sunday September 28 was a busy day for us! After church Scott had home teaching from 1-4:30pm. I had a primary meeting from 2-4 and we were having our friends over for dinner at 5pm. We got everything done!! Read the rest of this entry »
Family is Fun!
A great friend of mine (Denita) reminded me that it has been a while since I wrote a newsie post. Thanks for reminding me. I’ve been adding other things that it seems like I’ve posted before this. But I haven’t. Here it is, enjoy!! Read the rest of this entry »
I like it!
Proposition 8 is on the ballot in California. It is a proposition designed to protect traditional marriage and keep values strong in our society. I found this wonderful statement:
“Same-sex marriage is not a civil right. Civil rights are to guarantee fundamental rights for individuals of all races. Race is an unchangeable human trait, defined by DNA and observable at birth. Homosexuality is a “sexual orientation”, which can change and is not observable at birth. If a “sexual orientation” is categorized as a civil right, then so would pedophilia, polygamy and incest.”
Interested in more? Check out
We need to protect marriage, our children and society.
October 2008 Conference Packet
I can’t take credit for this, I found it on the web. Enjoy!!