Friday November 14 was the day that the rest of the family was to arrive. Grandma had the day off but grandpa still had to go to work. We tried to keep the kids busy at the house, but they were antsy for something to do. Read the rest of this entry »
Due to my year of Jane Austen, I just had to take this quiz when I saw it on my friends blog. What do you all think, is it an accurate quiz??? :0)
Take the Quiz here!
I am Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! I am practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though I am tremendously sensible and allow my head to rule, I have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.
Family is Fun
[The kids right before leaving Applebee’s to get in the car again. A waitress commented on how good our kids were about standing up against the wall and having their picture taken. Our waitress was impressed with our children’s behavior in the restaurant. I was too. After all, they had just been in the car for 8 hours!!]
Wednesday, November 12 was suppose to be a busy day. Scott took the week off because we were planning a trip to Brawley to visit with the Thompson side of the Family. Read the rest of this entry »
More fun, less work!
[It’s hard to get 6 kids to do the same thing at the same time! Best I could do!! But they sure are cute!]
I didn’t realize it had been so long!! I’ve been doing a lot of catching up on sleep and cleaning and other lofty things. Hope you all didn’t miss me too much!! Read the rest of this entry »
Everything you might want to know about me!!
Feel free to respond with how you would answer these questions:
1. What time did you get up this morning? Which time? 7:15am
2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearls
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Cars Read the rest of this entry »
It was all worth it!!
[Cute picture of Scott and Afton at the rally in the rain. All of our efforts paid off. It really isn’t sunny and bright, even though that is what the picture depicts.]
Monday was an “easy” day. I did finish making my phone calls and we had FHE. It was a nice break from all the business of the last couple of weeks. Read the rest of this entry »