Take the time to ENJOY this!! You’ll be glad you did! :0)
Short update
Since I haven’t written in a while, I’ll just give an overview instead of a day to day report….. Read the rest of this entry »
What the kids do on Saturday Night
Black Friday
Black Friday, November 28, 2008. Sami’s first experience with 4 am shopping. Let me explain. For those of you who know me know this is not typical of my behavior. I got a few ads in the mail and I saw that there were some good deals on things we actually needed. Read the rest of this entry »
Happy Thanksgiving!!
[Jaime made this for our Thanksgiving meal centerpiece]
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (November 23-25) were easy nothing days! Just the way I like it (sometimes!!). Sunday was awesome. We had nothing scheduled for after church and so after quiet time we got a bunch of games out and just played. Read the rest of this entry »
Slowing Down??
Thursday, November 20, was another busy day. I left Jaime, Milo and Afton with my neighbor so that I could take Niah and Keri to have well checks. I took Alix with me so she could take a birthday present to Kyle. Read the rest of this entry »
Last of the Family Fun!!
Sunday November 16 went very smooth. We all got up on time, dressed and to the church early. The cousins practiced their song they were going to sing for sacrament meeting. The meeting went well. Read the rest of this entry »