My mom has been progressing nicely. As of now she is still in the care facility. Her physical progression is great but it’s hard emotionally to be away from home and her familiar surroundings. She is doing well relying on the Lord and making the best of the situation. Read the rest of this entry »
Christmas Parties
Firs off I just have to say, I’m sure each company calls them Holiday Parties, but I will continue to call them Christmas Parties. Afterall that is why they are having them, because it is the Christmas season. Read the rest of this entry »
A dog???
We were talking to the girls about Milo and his surgery after his appointment. They were asking why it was so important that he have the surgery. We said that if he didn’t get the surgery he could have problems like hearing loss and blindness.
At this point Alix claps her hands together in great excitement and exclaims ‘That means we could get a dog!!’ (ya know, a seeing eye dog for Milo if he were blind).
Milo update
Here is the update we have all been waiting for, even us! On Tuesday November 8 we had an appointment in San Francisco to finalize all the details of Milo’s next surgery and get all the molds of his mouth so all the appliances can be made that he will have to wear after the surgery. We went to San Francisco because the doctor who is in charge of making the molds works out of San Francisco and it was just easier that way. Read the rest of this entry »
Christmas Creche
Did you know that there is only one difference between the word Creche and Nativity? Creche is the French word and Nativity is the English word (I think….). And Christmas Creche just sounds catchier. Anyway, we made our family trip the the Christmas Creche this year on Monday December 7. Oh what fun that was. Read the rest of this entry »
Down and out…..AGAIN!!
Remember my cake post? Well, after making that wonderful cake and cupcakes, we headed to the birthday party. It was at Pump It Up and the expectation for fun was high. Read the rest of this entry »
Milo is such a BOY
From Scott:
Yesterday I mentioned to Milo that sometimes people at work use the Lords name in vain and I don’t like it when they do. He responds, “Why don’t you punch them in the face?”
Scott laughed for HOURS about that!! Milo was just matter-of-fact about it. Milo really just thought that would solve the problem.
Reputation Saved
After Niah’s birthday cake disaster I had almost written myself off as a horrible cake decorator. I mean it was cute and all but it ‘didn’t look like the picture’. Read the rest of this entry »