Sami's World


September Overview

Here are some highlights from the first few weeks of September:

-Harvested some apples from a super nice sister in the ward. Dehydrated some, kids ate some. 80 apples lasted about 5 days….

-Our homeschooling P.E. group resumed. I now help to coach the 5-8 year old group in Soccer (no laughing Steve….)

-Jaime and Alix’s homeschooling pre-teen night started up again too.

-Dance class has resumed in full force. Jaime, Alix and Niah are all signed up.

-Scott accompanied some youth to a beach/dance trip to Santa Cruz using the party van (aka, big white boat).

-My sister Sara came for her monthly visit around Afton’s birthday.

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Afton’s 4

September 7 marked Afton’s 4th birthday. We were so excited to get to celebrate another birthday. Especially for Afton. She is so girlie and so doing a party for her is fun. She gets all cute and smiles from ear to ear for days. As long as it’s pink, girlie or frilly she’s satisfied. Read the rest of this entry »

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12 Years

On September 4, 2010 Scott and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary. What a GREAT day it was. Since we are getting “old” we really just enjoy spending time together and so that is what we did!

We ran a couple of errands. Had a yummy dinner at (our new favorite restaurant that we decided we could justify eating out at once a year) Spinayarn. Then we ran a couple of more errands and went home for a movie and dessert.

It was a night filled with laughter and talking and fun.

Thanks babe for the last 12 years. I wouldn’t change a thing!

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I’m back

I had just finished updating August when we were off again. Now here it is October and I’m going to update for September. I guess I live too much in the past and need to get back to the present!! But the updates are good and it’s fun to remember how much fun we’ve been having. Well, here we go…..September 2010!!

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Thompson’s Believe it or not

Well we finally did it. It took a lot of what ifs. It took a lot of thinking and convincing. But we finally took the plunge and did it….. Read the rest of this entry »

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So we do FHE pretty regularly around here. But it tends to be boring and FAST. So we have recently recommitted to doing more meaningful, fun family home evenings. Our first one was so good. We each had an index card with our name on it and then we passed it around and each person in the family wrote something nice on the card including ourselves. Afton was asleep and Keri was just having fun watching us, so they did not participate in this particular activity. But it was fun. Here are the results: Read the rest of this entry »

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Quick review Part 2

Here are the happenings of August 21-31:
-Last A’s game of the season. Scott, Alix and Milo went with our neighbors Laurant, Sophie and Emillie.
-While they were at the A’s the rest of us went to a wedding reception. SO MUCH FUN! Thanks Shanna!!
-Scott and Sami both donated blood
-More swimming w/friends. Thanks again Laura and Carrie!!
-End of summer primary activity and bbq. It was a lot of fun and so low key. I love those kind of parties.
-Watched a few extra kids for a couple of days so their mom could go with her friend to the American Idol try outs in San Francisco. Nope she didn’t make it but they sure had a good time!

That ends the review of fun things I wanted to remember that we did but I don’t have any pictures to go with the events. It’s so nice to get down in writing all the things that we’ve been doing lately. But don’t go anywhere. I’m not done yet….

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More visitors

Our friends the Bremer’s came to visit us August 18-20. It was a short visit but a wonderful one and one filled with lots of fun activities.

They got here the night of the 17 and put the kids right to bed. Our kids were already in bed and so the adults stayed up and talked for a few hours. That was super fun! Read the rest of this entry »

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