The end of July, beginning of August was a wonderful time. I was able to visit with my grandma multiple times in just a couple of weeks. Grandma was staying with Jeri and since that is so close, it was easy to visit grandma often. I went 3 times in two weeks. Each time taking a different set of children with me. I didn’t want to overwhelm grandma all at once!! :o) Read the rest of this entry »
The rest of July
The rest of July really was low key. It consisted of LOTS of front yard work on behalf of my wonderful husband. Tons of school got done around here too, including Scott. Read the rest of this entry »
Slowing Down
After being in Utah and doing a week of camps, I decided we needed to slow down. We also needed to focus on school to keep the kids up to speed on what they knew. It’s the worst to have a summer off and then try and get back into teaching/learning. So I just try and keep it going all summer. Read the rest of this entry »
Camps and such
Saturday July 9 Jaime had arranged with Gayle that her and a couple of friends would learn to cook Baklava together. Jaime had been looking forward to this for weeks. I dropped off Jaime and her friend Annalise at 8:30am and picked up the Rich kids to babysit them. Read the rest of this entry »
We’ve got a pre-teen
So I realize that “pre-teens” are getting younger and younger, but I think 12 is really the official “pre-teen” age. And we’ve got one!! Read the rest of this entry »
Utah #11
We had planned with Joy the previous night that Scott and I would get up early and head to a temple session. I’ve had this goal for years that I would attend the temple by myself once a month and once a month with Scott. So in order to fulfill that goal we had to go to a temple in Utah because the Oakland temple would be closed when we got home and not reopen till August. Read the rest of this entry »
Utah Fun #10
Whoa, double digits! It might be taking a while to post about our trip, but it was so fun and in 10 years from now I don’t want to forget a single thing!! That is why I must back track. I realized that I didn’t post a single thing about going to Elder Thackery’s family’s house. Read the rest of this entry »
Utah Fun #9
July 4. The day we had all been waiting for. The reason for this whole trip. July 4. A fabulous holiday spent with fabulous people doing amazing things. Best of all is the reason we celebrate the 4 of July. Our freedom. Our freedom to live in a country free of persecution. To live in a country where we can worship as we please. To live in a country where my children can safely play on the streets. I love this country and I love my God who gave this wonderful blessing to us. God bless America!! Read the rest of this entry »