Yep folks, we have participated in our first pinewood derby. Last year they did a raingutter regatta instead so this was our first one. I have mixed feelings about pinewood derby’s. Milo did not win. He also did not make the top 3. Read the rest of this entry »
I have been hesitant to get Milo in sports because of the time commitment. Not sure if it’s like this everywhere, but most of the sports around here require 2-3 days a week practice plus all Saturdays and some Sundays. Requiring so much time, I had sworn off sports forever. Read the rest of this entry »
Teenage Firsts
Everyone talks about kids’ first year and how many firsts they experience. I believe that all starts over again when they become teenagers. We are experiencing a lot of “firsts” with Jaime. Read the rest of this entry »
Missionaries again
We don’t normally have the missionaries over two nights in a row but it turned out that way. Sunday January 1 we had the missionaries and Li-Li and her family over for dinner. Read the rest of this entry »
My Talk
Here is a little known fact about me. Are you ready? I’m almost embarrassed to admit it. Read the rest of this entry »
New Years Eve
New Years eve was destined to be boring. It was Saturday night and we didn’t want the kids tired for church the next day. Also, I had to write a talk and so I didn’t want to be up too late. Read the rest of this entry »
The week after Christmas
Monday after Christmas was clean up and play day. We spent a lot of time visiting with Auntie Sara and playing and cleaning up Christmas stuff. It was fun and relaxing. Read the rest of this entry »
Christmas Day
Since Christmas fell on Sunday this year we knew we had to do things a little differently than we are used to. Scott had to leave for church by 7:45 and we knew we wouldn’t have enough time to do presents or even stockings. So we talked with the kids and it was decided we’d wait till after church. Read the rest of this entry »